Many thanks to Paul ...... now he can return to a life without sighing every two minutes ..... told ya you would survive and it would go smoothly
Entrants ..... you guys have put in the hardwork to set up, get your cars ready, spend two very long and boring days with your car, pack up ...... it all sounds easier than what it is .... you guys are the best many thanks for lending the cars to the stand.
Entrants Girlfriends! Behind every good man theres a woman they say .... you girls have been so patient and i think ive whinged more than any of you!
Kyles .... my Skank Sista you've been a delight to work with specially sinc ethings didnt run to smoothly at the start ..... thank you for giving up your valuable time to be :drooling: @ by men and still smile for the camera. Legend!
SSTs .... your support of SAUWA is overwhelming and really appreciated!!
The SAU guys n girls that came down .... thank you for showing your support to the "club"
PAS .... lloyd and his gang .... for organising it all ..... one stand was stressful enough - a whole show mustve been hell! Many thanks
Fellow entrants ..... made many new friends this weekend .... i would like to thank the surrounding stands for there pleastantness and friendliness .... they helped the two days go just that little bit faster!!
Everyone that lent us stuff!! Thank you .... mustnt be easy handing over your prized possessions to have hundreds of strangers put their paws on them.
Anyway ive probably missed out some people ... im sorry
But i think i speak for everyone involved when i say its been fun but than god that its over!!