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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. When is the driving event? I would be interested but unfortunately i dont think im going to have my car back in time Then again ...... could always do it in the ZX i guess ...... maybe not ...... brakes are pretty non existant.
  2. haha no worries will do!! today is going pretty fast luckily!!
  3. Boosty have you read the whole of that email? Its sooo funny Taking the piss out of chain mail and forwards!
  4. yeah its pretty funny eh Dan?
  5. yeah some vodka in my morning OJ would be nice overthink? first time ive been accused of that
  6. Boosty. Nah ..... maybe im going to hard at the gym or something ..... i just got home last night and just collapsed on the couch and i wasnt feeling to well and every muscle in my body hurt and mums like "your not going to gym tonight" ... i insisted i was going but as time came i just was so tired im like "your right im not going" ...... i feel like ive been sapped of all my energy and feel all teary etc cos im so tired.
  7. yeah but mines not self inflicted ..... i dont know whats wrong with me!
  8. thanks Dan
  9. Nizzie not feeling so good!!
  10. haha yeah in heels sitting down occasionally wouldnt be a bad idea I should be there on time most days and be there til it closes ..... I dont mind ..... quite looking forward to it. Haha Kyles are you like me and have a mile long list of things you gotta get! Are you wearing skirt or jeans for bottoms? Judged, the "Race" chequered Vinyl i thinks a brillant idea .... that'll look sweet!!
  11. im off kids have a good night!!
  12. Hicks i would if i had work to do ..... but ive done my work for today and the boss is impressed Gradenko ..... go get them!! time it takes to do some simple things is ridiculous!
  13. Nosy Boy ..... cool sounds a lot more relaxing than mine. Hey Hicks ya back
  14. Welcome Back Dan....... you coming to Ruby Room tommorrow Dan?
  15. yep ..... not sure my legs can take anymore .... i can bearly walk to the toilet im so sore but oh well .... going with Mel n Tammy tonight. Just told her im not going to Ministry of Sound and i dont think im too popular but she'll get over it. Why?
  16. she's also in the movie Tomcats which is an sad excuse of a movie.
  17. haha i dont have to live in it ..... but i hope ya folks dont come round too often!
  18. LOL @ Lee ..... joe dirt - its his inspiration
  19. haha and he thinks he's slept with his sister.
  20. Paul, really ...... your place is starting to look shocking hun!
  21. hehe probably resembles Joe Dirt
  22. Paul, you know im only with you cos your trailer has running water and a toilet (ahhh that was a funny episode of springer)
  23. i go for the mullet myself Lee ..... Easy to please guys ..... just buy them a carton of VB for their Birthday ....low maintenance
  24. trust me you dont need a commonwhore ..... my mum already thinks your great
  25. oooo Subway ..... no Paul its too expensive - i'll feel weird going to such a hoity toity place ..... oh my god ive got nothing to wear! .... what am i going to wear!!
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