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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. LOL @ Paul - yeah buy a commonwhore then you maybe able to fulfil that chick in flannellete fantasy.
  2. Paul i know i cant compete with them ....... im sorry i just cant give you that kinda fat! I know im not as enjoyable to eat..... i'll just try to aim for a little more my league ...... Jarrod from Subway
  3. oh well Paul - maybe next time ..... either that get a shitter car.
  4. Find a Farmer a Wife Aaron Edwards is a grain, sandlewood and native foods farmer from Calingiri who bravely put himself forward as a single farmer in a bid to find a wife. ^Another one of those things the word "sandlewood" drags up .... does anyone know how to say desperate? Paul, should i be worried about the amount of time you spend in Mr Sanders, Mr MacDonalds and Mr Jacks kitchen. No wonder why your always tired when you get back
  5. haha dish cleaner ...... reminds me of the tools that were trying to strike up a convo at the lights the other day ..... they were dish cleaners ..... looked like they just walked outta one of Jerry Springers trailer parks.
  6. I thought Colnel Sanders cooked last night
  7. i said field ...... where did you get magic from?! i would hate to be a telemarketer ..... what a crap job!!
  8. i'll try that next ..... its just i had JUST started this job so i was like um er uh what the phuck and i couldnt ansewer any of her questions so i thought agh phuck it i'll just meet with the bitch maybe she'll give me discount on a weekend away or something!!
  9. i love big field mushrooms ...... and you top them with goats cheese n tomatos and mmmmmmmmm :drooling:
  10. not yet paul ..... they gotta find me first .... i initially didnt want the meeting with this stupid bitch but she was pushy and insisted ...... she's like the bloody Jehovahs Witnesses! Al: they probably take lots of vitamin substitutes prescribed by doctor.
  11. but smarties are bigger than M&M's
  12. shit forgot some idiot from hotel chain coming to meet me at 3pm ...... LOL and because ive moved around so much nobody has my extension or anything for reception to contact me.
  13. Paul is full of useless info today Al: Vegan: A vegetarian that has to take it a step further and refuses to eat ... eggs, milk, cheese .... anything that comes from an animal as well.
  14. you eat Vegans paul ....... um ok i'll leave that one alone! Tommorrow is Friday :Party:
  15. oh it gets better ...... it also brings up the Vegan Newsletter! God damn hippies!!
  16. rosehip oil rocks ...... sandlewood is ok - used to have sandlewood massage oil but yeah it does get a bit smelly. Dan .... i know!! NZealders!!
  17. wish people would stop making webpages fro their dumb arse dogs called Sandlewood ...... would make this exercise a lot easier!
  18. doesnt anybody care about my sandlewood
  19. it'll take a waxing to find them!
  20. Halle is ugly ..... geez worry about your taste in women sometimes. yeah but people think its easy as just setting up shop ..... and its not!!
  21. im learning about Sandlewood .... rsearching for a company. V8 :spew:
  22. Paul - well if thats your fantasy .... it can be done (*niz thinks pauls a closet trev) Boosty: yeah i had a pretty stressful dream last night too .... forgot it now tho.
  23. Lee i have to save that!! that is some funny shit!!
  24. Seen that car. Unfortunately so does my family...... it was even worse when Ben had his Marloo ute ..... trev family ..... least my family doesnt own a single flanelette shirt. Actually maybe thats what i should by dad for xmas ..... here dad you've got every piece of HSV merchandise ever made apart from a flanellette shirt!
  25. Vids are on his living room floor. hehe you post some weird shit sexzila i must admit. Good work on the Flyers .... look mint.
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