whats an FC? .... i dont know much about RX7's my ex used to have one but thats it. Never driven one but made up my mind long time ago i didnt like them much.
but, but, but Rx7's dont have that much of the light showing their pop up lights are smaller n gayer .......
Niz goes off to find more proof..........
Go clean the house or do something useful with your life
thats not too bad ..... half price i guess
I would check with Danny he got my shirt too .... probably did but just n case you dont want to get them all back and be missing one .... too late by then
mustve been a while since you've been SkylineGTR ...... lotsa imports around now although there are a lot of standard, boring ones around.
But yeah import owners in WA get harrassed and picked on quite a bit .... and i know a lot of people who sometimes wonder if the shit is worth having an import.
I get away with quite a bit on WA roads tho ...... but im a chick so ive got away from a 6 point fine with just a warning before and a drink driving charge and a few other misdemeanors but if your a guy they come down pretty hard they only need to suspect something.
you thinking moving to WA ..... us WA guys are thinking of moving to SA ... no demerit points taken off for multinovas .... their cop presence seems less than WA .... they dont have friggin PolAir following their cruises around! ..... Trust me WA dont get away with murder ..... we get defects just because its an import therefore something must be illegal on it!
Oh and talking about idiots - most people have heard my story but last week a old guy ran a red light and rearranged the front of my car then reversed and drove off.
About 2 years ago someone backed into my Zed ... no note ... nothing .... got it fixed picked it up from the panel beaters .... had it back only 15 mins then someone right in front of my eyes in a shopping centre backed into again .... you do wonder how people get their licenses but unfortunately nothings going to change ... there will be forever idiots ....
yeah the computer started phucking up just as i downloads 94% of etax so i gave up n went to bed
dont get on much at night these days .... after being on all day i just cant take much more!!
Quote from the calender for tommorrow: The internet is so big, so powerful and so pointless that for some people it is a complete subsitute for life.
Boosty .... guy drove off i have his rego number but have been lazy reporting it to the police and its been a full week since its happened.
The panel beater is paying ..... long story but its kinda a swap .... dads doing $14K worth of fencing for his house .... so he's doing this for "free" just getting how much it costs him off the price of the fencing. Loooong n dodgy story ..... which my dad can take care of.
Bye Boosty :wavey:
Dan i was just interpreting what you said
Im tired .... n bored .... n today is going extra slow ..... and im eager for tommorrow so i know whether i got this job or not .... even if i didnt which i suspect i didnt ... it puts me out of my misery.