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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. you bashing it dan :whackit:
  2. hehe "squicking" sound .... sounds like something that comes from a mouse ..... sure you havent got a mouse in ya car Erik? As Paul said we all have rattles ..... well i never used to but lately theres about 5 different rattles coming from my car ..... the closest thing i have to a "squicking" sound tho is coming from inside the door near the power windows instrument cluster and it only occurs when i go over bumps ...... all i did was give it a good whack with a closed fist ...... bingo!! squicking sound gone
  3. hmmm quiet ...... wake up everyone im here!! going to drags next week no point going two weeks in a row .... i dont run my car and even if i wanted to i dont have a car to run ..... apart from the Laser ...... go the Laser
  4. 2 mins to remove a GT wing ehhhh ........ geez even i could do that :evil: Back - evacuation was about as interesting as watching paint dry yes Alex im a contractor ..... im not even that .... im a temp but *ssshhh it says govt contractor on the organisational structure so the big bosses dont realise that they have temps still employed*
  5. evacuation drill GTG
  6. i wish Alex!! Nah i had last wednesday off + public holiday .... already equals a very depleated pay packet!!
  7. yeah well im not going to lose weight consuming the amount of alcohol i do!! Even my mum is trying ...... but im going better than her .... arrived home from gym last night and she goes .... this is my second glass of vodka im trying to cut back on wine and vodka has got to have less calories ....and i go "um depends how much is in the orange juice your having it with" silly girl she just cant go without her nightly drinks.
  8. nah lazy pricks taken a day off Kym, and you try n hide things often eh?
  9. Boosty ..... i find if i have a huge meal and drink lots of water i usually can escape the hangover ..... otherwise im phucked but believe it or not ...... im trying to go without alcohol for a while
  10. sorry had to fill up parking meter and get myself a bottle of OJ. Whaddya miss?
  11. Thanks Boosty
  12. LOL @ Alex ...... your a master of your own downfall Boostzor ..... all people know is how to waste your time and draw things out so it costs you more money.
  13. some bitch dragged her sister on TV saying she was too obsessed with boys ...... she was 18!! for god sakes leave the girl alone and let her live her life!
  14. Alex - tell me about it!! i feel so tired today ..... i plonked myself in front of the TV this morning and that was it ....rather hard to get up again Sometimes i wished i drank coffee.
  15. just 99.9% eh paul ....... nah im not a nice person to be around at the moment ...... take my car away leaves very grumpy girl!! But gym is helping ..... i went again last night .... spent an hour n half there .... get home and im too tired to be pissed off
  16. LOL @ Paul .... thought i would answer so u didnt get in trouble tyres are good Boosty ..... pretty sticky haha constantly hear them picking up stuff but they seem to be wearing good and gripping good
  17. Boostzor .... im just the bitch that reminds Paul why he doesnt want a girlfriend How you doing hunny
  18. im back couldnt find what i wanted the internet is a big place .... never find what ya want. going to ask for soem work tho ..... gotta have something to do between posts
  19. Bye Lee :wavey:
  20. he hasnt talked with pasquale yet wants me to get a price for it unpainted .... and thats all. My mum hates the guy and is instantly on the war path ..... told dad to tell him to back off me etc ............. Probably wont be getting my spoiler i dont know ..... ive had enough of it all..... ive rung - got what was asked .... im not ringing back.
  21. That should be easy for u tho ..... its just a case of money. Well theres a couple of things i want to do so i will talk to you later ..... see u tonight anyway?
  22. yeah its apparently leaking it badly or burning it or whatever. I dont want to buy oil to top it up either so if anyones got any dodge oil suitable for a Laser lying around ...... haha poor Laser ..... pretty easy to thrash tho ..... just gotta be careful it doesnt fall apart on me!
  23. yeah probably with black marks all over it
  24. hehe i was squeeling the wheels off the line on the Laser this morning .... thats fun umm better check oil - suppose to check every 2 days ..... but havent checked in a week.
  25. i blame the messenger!! I used to be an early riser too but somebody got me into the bad habit of sleeping in til at least 10 on the weekends! Paul dropped off the shirt but Danny wasnt there .... so u might wanna check he got the shirt.
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