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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Telling me your not much for sleeping in!! Dragging me out of bed at some ungodly hour on a long weekend and telling me to have a shower I might as well ask - then i'll get exactly what i want
  2. Paul, Did you talk to Memphis about stickers ..... can i get .com ones slightly bigger? You said there were hotplate ones but none of the long ones - which is the ones im mainly interested in.
  3. hey lee :wavey:
  4. Paul as already discussed my "special" .com one plzzzz take 2 and a set of the hotplates ones.
  5. yeah read that .... im jealous ..... but why arent you sleeping - i would be - the early to bed i go the more tired i wake up
  6. phuck bit early eh paul?
  7. back downloading stupid tax software ...... ive worked myself up into a coma at the gym ... ready to go to bed but have to do tax. ok i was right ..... i do get more guys looking at me in the Laser (note to self take off R33's dark tint) ..... i had a group of guys pull up beside me at a intersection today and start up a convo thru the window. Must be driving a shitbox i dont look like the stuck up snobby bitch that i do driving the Skyline ...... the Laser really hurts the ego.
  8. cool Erin least you found a second hand one - i couldnt find even that at the time Alan ..... im sure if you went to Barberellas and asked them to help wire your G-Sensor they could help Paul even with no aircon compressor you can still use your demister etc on ya windows in cold weather ..... dad showed me how .... big help Im outta here guys .... hugs!
  9. i hope it goes ahead as well ...... these things usually take years to eventuate tho. Perth needs more big events and the Government is starting to realise this and putting their branding behind it e.g Rugby World Cup. So its more than possible that the Government has given its ok to it ..... seeing as it means millions in tourism ..... growth in Bunbury etc. Anyway shant count my chickens before they hatch - my parents have a holiday house in Bunbury and Bunbury Council is forever changing its mind about what it proposes to do ...... just a couple of months ago it was a world class resort along the beach front .... but that aint happening either.
  10. you men and your g-sensors .... Paul ya cant get to your aircon controls even if it did work!! i like my aircon not working - to get my aircon working = dad near my car pulling it apart = me very nervous!!
  11. I heard your car drives really nice Dan
  12. sweet Erin ..... mines still collecting dust on my bedroom floor! is it brand new or second hand?
  13. you have your RSM manual at work :confused: what you read it over n over again and study it?
  14. LOL @ fane ..... bargin mate ..... not sure about it being a GTR tho!
  15. i board at the Trev university :uh-huh: my house is sad ..... so very sad ...... but not as bad as John Munroes Holden Shrine!!
  16. Ross ..... yeah dickhead just drove off too. I was pretty shaken up after .... bit disorientated and driving to my dads work (mainly cosmetic damage so car was drivable) it kinda hit me what happened and i think i cried for about 2 hours ..... my poor dad was really busy at work but took the time to try n get me to calm down and take it over the panel beater and help me out such a sweetie! Sitting in the booze bus is good fun!! its like extension of party time ..... get to chat to some pretty cool guys .... get valet parking .... what more could ya want Lee: Dont forget to wear ya hat backwards mate!! *just a tip off the judges! gives it that extra treviness*
  17. Bye Erin!! Alan .... i got breath tested once - 2pm in the afternoon outside their cop station in Kalamunda .... what tha? nothing happens in Kalamunda .... especially at 2pm!
  18. Good to hear Ross!! not much has been happening .... oh you werent around to hear some prick went thru red light and rearranged my front bar last week she's in the panel shop now getting fixed!
  19. Sub yeah noticed a couple of extra but i still am naughty .... even in the Laser .... they be out for double demerits too ..... vultures! LOL @ Lee ....... i'll see you down in Scarborough this weekend for your final test then ..... if you pass i'll buy you a 6 pack of VB
  20. Erin: agh bugger - least you got it sorted now
  21. hey Erin you get sense out of ya sis?
  22. no wonder indonesians are such an angry fustrated race! probably stop blowing things up if they are allowed to blow something else ..... ahhhh just keep the puns coming
  23. i knew what ya meant lee. Thing is its all good in theory but im one of these less is more people ..... and i'll probably buy all these stickers yet only use 20% of them because i dont like my car looking like a billboard on wheels. aaaahhhh thats the reason behind castrol sticker ......
  24. hehe Lee .... what University did you go to .... sounds liek we might have been in the same classes Nah i didnt like that idea ...... was thinking two small ones on my rear windows ..... and maybe ..... depending how it looks a medium sized one on my bonnet just above my passenger side headlight. I might give the rear window ones a skip and just have the one on my bonnet ..... in silver.
  25. Niz has a certificate of bullshit artist ...... a certificate of indecision and a certificate of boozehound. i whip all ya mummas asses
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