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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. i think he was refering on you porking her on behalf of him. geez even i got that one
  2. yeah Alex ..... i thought being a temp i would be an exception but nah .... not really a review tho its more a look at what you do and what your goals are and what training you would like to undertake other than an all out assault on your personality and all the things your doing wrong.
  3. LOL at students reviewing Paul ..... are they harsh? cos i would be a bitch!! Hey Denver how was Jules 21st?
  4. yeah ive always hated reviews ..... no matter what you do its not enough for your boss anyway!! so i gave up trying and usually am a smart arse on stuff like this ......... what happened to just doing a job? why do we now have to have pyschoanalysis and go into depth with our bosses in time wasting meetings about how unhappy we are and they just tell us to change our attitude nothing is done about theres.
  5. i used to have quite a collection when i worked at a car dealership ..... none of the guys in my department had the programs to display it so it all got sent from the fleet manager to my email address under the heading "training"
  6. Welcome to my world ....... :uh-huh: its better than bullshitting on my personal development plan tho. I mena what kinda question is How will i know if i have successfully achieved the tasks or undertaken the responsibilites well? and i have to ansewer that question for each task that i do. Its the same ansewer for every question ..... i know ive undertaken them well when people dont complain!!
  7. oh well as long as its ya arse and not ya balls ...... its so ungentleman like when a guy stands in front of ya and rearranges himself ..... unless he's ya other half. Lee you surf net all day cant see that not being enjoyable unless you work with some pricks thanks Paul .... i want 3 x www.skylinesaustralia.com and 2 x the headlight logo ones Stock up least that way i wont have to wait so long next time!!
  8. yeah Lee .... guess its better than sitting at home scratching my arse wondering why my life is so lame going to be using a fair bit of petrol tho .... glad im doing it in laser and not ricer. Im doing this Personal Development Plan thing for work ....... its sucks the big one!! Im not even a permanent employee ..... i mean what should i have for goals ..... "To have a job next week" i thought i was going to be exempt from filling out these 6 pages of bullshite
  9. try and find a blue shirt when fashionstas decide that blue aint this seasons colour. So after trying about 7 different shops and lunchbreak slipping away from me i decided to get white bargain rack one - should do the trick at least. im sleepy now ..... gotta rush off after work .... hand in this shirt ..... go back to gym ..... go home ..... do tax return ..... go to bed.
  10. thats ok Paul - soon as i can score it on DVD i'll change that bye bye
  11. well im off T-shirt shopping. Talk to you all later .....
  12. a real mans man? hmmmmm sorry Bam but he's taken by Salma Hayek! (* i think i just broke Bams heart) Pauls never seen it ....... so uncultured!!
  13. Bam: American History X is one of my favourite movies ..... and the person mustve been really drunk at the time. Edward Norton is such a talented actor! Pity he's as ugly as all hell.
  14. Paul ..... when you have an interview (and you probably dont understand the concept cos you never had one ) ..... they ask for your previous employers/managers/supervisors phone numbers (these are called references ) so they can check up and see that the hero you've made yourself out to be is not total bullshite. Theres my lesson of the day.
  15. thought the group was going down on the 8th now everyone is talking about this wednesday :confused:
  16. Louie is my first boss in this department ..... the one who was my supervisor when i was fleet co-ordinator.
  17. They said that i'll find out Thursday..... not feeling to confident ..... i was waaaay phucked up that day. Anyway i was one of the first they interviewed i think and soi just hope all the other people made me look good. Theres only me and another lady with Dealership experience so least thats on my side might go ask reception after lunch for Louies mobile .... they'll have it.
  18. haha havent forgotten that Paul ..... need to find Louies number to pass onto Bill as a reference..... its in my bag at home and i cant find it on the system here
  19. indeed sweet Zanda ...... ahhh i'll have my parents beachfront pad to stay at too!! about time they did something decent with Bunbury!!
  20. yeah well if i ever need some non-dodgy work done to my car i'll try him. Dan ..... im female - we are all pyscho!! hmmm just thought of the other thing i gotta do today ....... *sigh*
  21. Shotgun
  22. Bruce seems nice and its cheap .... if i had the money i would just think phuck it'll be easier to pay.
  23. blessing the cars eh? be easier just to take the idiots off the roads :uh-huh:
  24. dads going to fix the problem
  25. yeah its dodgy .... i know that .... but i dont care .... its basically everyone calling in favours from everyone else ........ but i cant ask someone 20 questions about their business without sounding suss. i dont want to be dragged into all this all i want is my phucking spoiler.
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