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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Paul i think its probably a good idea to get some SAU stickers for my car ....... last year my car attracted a LOT of attention (so much so it was embarrassing according to my mate) in the carpark ....... so since i'll probably be there fairly early so my car should be pretty much somewhere out the front it would be good advertising for the club if ya stick some of the Skyline Australia stickers on it especially since it'll be looking pretty hot coming back from just being buffed n a new wing.
  2. yeah Cam i can imagine .... hence why for my purposes .... an auto is perfect! i dont think that poor Laser has ever been revved so hard LOL ... when i first got it i was coming home from work and i took off but cos im used to an auto i forgot to change gears for a little while Anyway im off home .... see you at 4:30 paul
  3. well get it packed then!!!
  4. yeah im off in 15 myself .... have a good one Lee!! you can still make the Sssssh noise Cam ..... .... i do .... i got no radio so i gotta have some kinda fun. There was a traffic jam this mornig cos there was an accident not far where i had mine .... anyway you dont realise how easier autos are in that situation til you have to drive manual in it ..... 1st just into second then you have stop ... 30secs .... back into first ...... crawl 10 meters .... stop ...... take off again for another 10 metres .... stop ...... phuck the gym .... my legs are getting enough workout on that clutch!!
  5. yeah nothings bounced back to me and im sure the addys right I dont think the Laser could be capable of speeding .... i think my license is fairly safe in it. It fustrates me sooo tho .... i dont realise how much anger i take out on the roads til i cant take it out on the roads anymore
  6. i sent it to you Cam still the hi.riotino addy?
  7. www.cboss.com/justin/images/rainy-day.jpg ^Reality yeah gotta have the weekly Thank God its Friday Email
  8. think ive only seen it once in my whole life
  9. whats with the pic of bueller? yeah i got half an hour. then it'll take me an 3/4 hour to get home in the shitbox .......
  10. embarrassed who .... im sorry ..... just being honest
  11. Alex .... u edited what u said before i saw ..... too much info im sorry
  12. you catch the mercedes home thats just crazy!! What suburb u work in? i havent caught the mercedes since i had my license. I hate public transport! 45mins til i go *We love you Snoop Dogg* < he has the best show of MTV ... so funny.
  13. Hey cool my current Fav song is on ..... 50 cents P.I.M.P LOL dont know why i like it so much.
  14. yeah would liek to give my engine bay a clean up ..... just i know that once i start pulling things apart i wont be able to get them back together And my dad doesnt have too many tools either soooo i'll just leave it with sand all in it. LOL there was this massive storm one day .... and i got caught driving thru it ... anyway i was at a set of lights and there was a construction lot next door and the wind picked up all the sand from the yard and dumped it all over my car ..... and now ive got yellow sand in the engine bay .... as someone said .... it looks like a bloody beach in there!!
  15. Cams to go in wasnt it? yeah thats the thing with Skylines take the normal cost for a non-import .... double it tripple it and there you go!! As soon as you ring anyone for advice or parts enquiry you get "Oh because its an import blah blah blah going to cost more" I swear they see dollar signs in their eyes!
  16. never been a big "smoker" the only effect i get on it apart from feeling extremely dumb is extremely horny ..... which aint such a bad thing i leave work 3:45 get home 4:30 a go
  17. Melbourne Cup was funny that time tho ..... ahhh good n bad memories.
  18. See ya Adrian n Denver LOL Denver sounds interesting
  19. hey Ross .... you should know about this topic too eh
  20. Advantage: you'll have a lot of girls wanting hugs
  21. Chewys boring!! Chuppa Chups better ..... we bought a full deli container before ..... tho that was between about 10 people!!
  22. is it day time or night time .... think its night .... for dinner before you go have pasta .... good carbohydrates tho being a gym junky you probably know that. Good luck keeping up
  23. LOL yeah whatever you do dont take Vicks if you've got a cold .... you'll have everyone smelling you all night .... or asking if they can borrow the stick of it
  24. yeah Meguires plastic polish brings them up a treat (little blue bottle available from Kmart or Supercheap) only thing the effect only lasts for about a week then they are back to their grubby selves but its a quick job so i dont mind doing it every weekend.
  25. watch = buy She was six months pregnant with her third child, her three year old came into the room when she was just getting ready to get into the shower. he said, "Mummy, you are getting really fat!" Mum replied, "Yes, honey, remember Mummy has a baby growing in her tummy." "I know," he replied, but what's growing in your bum?"
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