100 Simpson episodes? no wonder youve been blasted for your download limit!! LOL ive got Foxtel ...they show about 2 episodes after work .... then channel ten will show one or two a night .... so i get my fix
well my timesheet always says an hour but really its like 3 1/2 hour lunch break .... dont seem to have any of them now ive moved departments tho
Best cure for a hangover ...... stay drunk.
Whats the F stand for then Joe
Paul have fun at the power plant .... im sure it'll be as enthralling as it sounds. C U this arvo
To the rest of you ..... see ya when i get back off lunch
never had a written warning ..... ive had some really bad talkings too ..... but usually by the end of them they dont get to give me a warning i just hand my notice in.
LOL Revn .... we dont have download limits .....yet ..... but we've been warned about being in chatrooms & gaming sites during work periods. As u can see ..... it had a big effect.
is it me or are you advoiding the subject where we are staying ...i dont mind asking once .... hey i dont even mind asking twice .... but when ive asked about 5 times and still get no ansewer i start to get a little bit pissed!
Least you got a n invite Adrian.
how you doing babe ..... was waiting for you to come clean ze pool last night but if you find english translators more interesting ....