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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. yeah noticed that too .... but im too much of a tightarse to watch the videos and my computer to slow to download.
  2. 100 Simpson episodes? no wonder youve been blasted for your download limit!! LOL ive got Foxtel ...they show about 2 episodes after work .... then channel ten will show one or two a night .... so i get my fix
  3. Hey Lee .... its ok i forgive you
  4. missed you too .... an hour is a very long time!!
  5. well my timesheet always says an hour but really its like 3 1/2 hour lunch break .... dont seem to have any of them now ive moved departments tho Best cure for a hangover ...... stay drunk.
  6. Exxxcelllent ...... sorry Power Plant conjures up mental pictures of Mr Burns popping out of a cake to sing "Happy Birthday Mr Smithers"
  7. paul went bye byes ...... *niz hides the knife and her blood soaked clothes* ....*jk*
  8. that was a short pub stint ..... when we have pub stints at work we take half the day!! hi adrian!!
  9. going down south witht he myriads of others that migrate on public holidays
  10. Look im having to resort to Solitaire!!
  11. Bye Ken have a safe trip down
  12. oi Cam come back ...... no work!! ..... whoring better!! Hi Dan :wavey:
  13. i dont have testies Ken!! thats why im a girl One of the chicks in Chicago? .... that roleis going to require some waxing!!
  14. Whats the F stand for then Joe Paul have fun at the power plant .... im sure it'll be as enthralling as it sounds. C U this arvo To the rest of you ..... see ya when i get back off lunch
  15. a power plant ..... they must be soooo excited!! take them for a tour of the pub instead
  16. Skylines doing Burnouts *shakeshead* disappointed in you stooping to the level of a trev Danny!!
  17. im jealous Revn!! going to get lunch shortly!
  18. Hey Glue .... :wavey: youve been very quiet lately!
  19. never had a written warning ..... ive had some really bad talkings too ..... but usually by the end of them they dont get to give me a warning i just hand my notice in.
  20. LOL Revn .... we dont have download limits .....yet ..... but we've been warned about being in chatrooms & gaming sites during work periods. As u can see ..... it had a big effect.
  21. Lee's going to get in trouble for his internet usuage Wooooooooo!
  22. is it me or are you advoiding the subject where we are staying ...i dont mind asking once .... hey i dont even mind asking twice .... but when ive asked about 5 times and still get no ansewer i start to get a little bit pissed!
  23. No im talking to the other guy im staying with tonight
  24. Least you got a n invite Adrian. how you doing babe ..... was waiting for you to come clean ze pool last night but if you find english translators more interesting ....
  25. Why do you think they have such big mo-fo wings on the back of their cars? (well cam used to) its ok boys ...... its all in the width
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