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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. OI BITCH!! Where the phuck are we staying tonight
  2. :inlove: :aroused: :69: :cuddle: ^ sure can
  3. Evacuation com .... com ... com .... evacuation complete.
  4. just on saturday ..... sweet ..... ..... 2 days drinking time. When is perth autosalon BTW .... at the moment i know its sometime in October but phucked if i know when!
  5. Cool Cam .... can you give me tips on how to launch it Nah ive already been beaten by a Toyota Echo and a Hyundai Excel ..... the future aint looking bright Reckon Liz should bring the colt out to play with my laser 8th cool for me too ... Anyone wanna give me a lift cos it'll take me 5 hours with the Laser!!
  6. Paul you asked Danny where it is we are staying yet? the back of the line doesnt look to comfortable!
  7. double demerits from midnight last night folks man my laser is soooo slow even hyundai excels can beat me *sniff* .... i reckon it would even lose against a Daewoo Matiz!
  8. um yeah something that vaguely resembles organised ...
  9. mmmkay ..... welcome to the SAU nuthouse
  10. i ws going to on way home then remembered that the rego number was at home ..... so not much point. And tonight i dont even have time to scratch my arse after work have to thrash shite outta Laser (with no petrol) get home n go down south.
  11. now the impact wasnt that hard ..... i managed to brake completely and he just locked his up but sailed into me at a fairly low speed. So i wasnt thrown about in the car too much .... neck etc all fine .... just sore muscles from gym Then again if its going to cause a neck massage from some hot guy: Owwwwwwwwwww!!!
  12. oh i spotted Judged on the way back from the Drift Training Day in Wanners about a month ago .... parked on the side of the road talking on ya mobile ....... wouldve waved but i was driving the ZX.
  13. LOL @ sheep in wolfs clothing ..... no thats my car! dont you mean wolf in sheeps clothing?
  14. so that ones the GTST? *scratches head ... confuddled* Bad luck about the GTR .... u going to try n buy another one?
  15. its real nice judged Is it in your possession yet?
  16. Haha i jsut love taking the piss out god damn fools!! His business is going downhill very fast if he cant advertise and target the correct people Hows your beast Kim .... got those stickers etc on?
  17. Zanda .... im sure if you stand about 1km from a VL and squint your eyes .... it may start looking like an R32 What kinda breed is your dog ..... obviously found him/her?
  18. yeah what happened to you guys coming to Burswood Lee?
  19. car whore with someone else? nah we let Silvias rock up LOL gee-hong ..... nah dont have my gee-hong on today .....
  20. Bye Richie yeah should look sweet :uh-huh: im bogging my car down with ricey bits and i dont care!! U ever been to a cruise Revn .... dont think ive ever met you?
  21. GT??? I have nothing to compensate for so i dont need a bloody big mobile phone tower stuck to the back of my car!
  22. Veilside it'll look fully sick
  23. LOL @ Rev .... yeah our IT guys send me drift videos etc Lucky you Richie :uh-huh: .... if i get this new job i would have money for goodies on my car ... but i doubt i'll get it. Anyway im getting a new rear wing that gets put on when my cars getting fixed .... im going all ricey n putting chequer plate flooring in etc.
  24. yeah it does get pretty boring ..... surf the net for what?
  25. Its the day that doesnt end .... yes it goes on and on my friend .... yeah all i got to occup myself today is this computer .... do my timesheet so i get paid and book a conference room at a hotel ...... busy day.
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