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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. what you talking about Neville ..... its already lowered to its arse ....it aint getting any lower No to Neons ..... not having my car look like some gay dico bar!!
  2. Ben .... i got a GTR wing - bad experiences with it falling apart .... going for something similar but a bit more flashy ... or ricey if u wanna put it that way. i wanna put Playboy bunny stickers on my car .... will they look good with the GT wing!!
  3. Bam & Aidwin ........ car aint ricey enough for GT wing! nah not into stealth either ..... no choice out there eh? oh well ive got i sorted
  4. Ben - he's right .... dont take his advice yep aidwin ..... front one even though it seen better days can be repaired. Back one is just a bonus ..... so what do you reckon i should put on there .... was going to go for something a little more exciting than GTR wing maybe something like adrians?
  5. its still breathing aidwin .... bonnet aint crumpled the driver aint hurt ..... but the brake on the front passengers side is now making some really suspious groaning sounds when you put your foot on brake ...... thats the only mechanical damage i can find .... rest is just cosmetic .... inot the panel shop tommorrow and guess what .... im going to pick out a new rear spoiler
  6. haha thanks Ben ....... it brought 2 hours worth of tears to my eyes !!
  7. oi aidwin long time no see babe ...... probably know by now but my baby took a beating today by a guy that doesnt know that red means stop
  8. night angel
  9. joining army? are you mad son? you know a club is shit when someone would rather do their uni work than go!
  10. Pauls Mum will do your laundry Bam Thanks Angel ... will do
  11. just get the god damn shirt plz
  12. hicks you know how we were talking front bars last night ....... guess who now needs one .... can i have yours .... purdy plzzzz
  13. yeah good .... awesome job i will be over the moon if i get it "what do you earn now" "ummm its casual rates works out to be about $33K a year" ... *screws up nose* "Well you'll be earning a lot more than that here" < more employers should have that attitude! but yeah wait and see wont know for a week!! my age is a concern lots of responsbility .... all the marketing and advertising and monitoring how its performing .... kicking the sales reps butts when they aint following up leads n earning money etc and they are concerned about my age and how well iwould handle the "boys" ..... i mean cmon i may look timid today but thats only cos i got the emotional shit kicked outta me!
  14. yeah i cant A. afford it and B. have the time to go shopping for it jus tgive me the blue tank .... do as kyles explained take the straps in .... or hows this for an idea we get the top in a size smaller ...... ahhh technology. Done n dusted thank you for coming
  15. Liz did i end up telling you i went for this job interview today?
  16. me n andrew didnt fight much .... we only had one huge arguement .... maybe two .... or three LOL but still for 2 years thats not bad. Only one where i walked out. There was a lot of eyerolling .... that was about it. My parents have their own huge fights so mine are the least of their worries. Im sure it wont be the end of our adventures Liz haha .......
  17. yeah peak hour traffic heaps of witnesses .... on ehappening to be a WRX i come across everyday on my way to work .... that ive chopped frequently .... and so i think he was laughing his butt off when he saw it .... me not being his favourite person i doubt he's going to come forward and yeah noone stopped to handover numbers etc. its ok cars going into get fixed tommorrow .... driving a Laser for next two weeks. Its all good ......... im feeling better about it now .... i was a mess this morning but at the end of the day it couldve been worse. Thanks to everyone for your concern tho :grouphug: but your not getting me off the streets that easily
  18. LOL at Liz ........ no cos we try n recruit people to go into the booths with us ..... that night was so funny .... i reckoned they dedicated that song "iim soooo waaaaasssted" just to us
  19. even people i do talk to on the computer had the decency to call or even send me a message ..... aghhh just get so fustrated. Anyway not worth it .... just keep repeating to myself ... not worth it. Kylie ... sounds like you got big birthday surprise coming up lucky girl!!
  20. No paul from memory you were more concerned about the insurance .... for phuck sake i just had an accident i was in shock i didnt even know where the hell i was let alone trying to work out the insurance ........ then that wasit if i didnt jump on the net you wouldnt of called or spoken to me all day .... and the net .... i am so phucking sick of conducting all the conversations by a friggin computer!!
  21. thanks Rob .... can i be vice-president ..... do u have a dart board im in a dart throwning mood. um no i dont think i am as my name was mentioned a few times .... haha oh well Liz thats funny .... we are so shameful .... how about next time we go out .... we leave our mobiles at home!!
  22. i dont care anymore i'll just have whatever if it doesnt suit me well shit happens i'll build a bridge and get over it.
  23. Liz can i join in .... nothing like a good human sacrifice to liven up a party!
  24. thats why i was pissed cos you dont seem to give a phuck. Doesnt matter anyway bigger issues in the world. Liz your kidding me? phuck!! ok ummmm the plates might have to go missing off my car .... nah hang on i'll be in a laser he wont even know its me and the spoiler will get dropped off to Pasquale anyway all is good!! Paul more than likey go for something similar to Adrians ..... if i wanted a GTR one i wouldve just got mine fixed. Car is also getting buffed, full detail, touch up etc all free of charge.
  25. your about the only person that hasnt rung me to ask me that .... so u aint exactly my favourite person at the moment .... rude when people on the other side of the country show more concern Thanks Rob ..... todays over .... tommorrow should be better .... must be something with black cars eh? .... mine, yours, Liz's, Bams ....
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