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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. hmmm guesss noones around to help me make a decision on a new back spoiler eh? .... its free so money aint an object. I love people that owe my dad favours .... makes life so much easier .... apparently i just have to go into the Spoiler Shop and pick one out. Glad something came good today.
  2. hi
  3. well dads home andim off have a safe night everyone!
  4. LOL .... Liz is the brazillian queen .... just ask her!
  5. 8K Liz
  6. oh by the way Denver ...... i wont be participating in any lesbian acts with your girlfriend ok? so you and paul can put that one outta ya minds!
  7. this'll cheer Denver up *peelie* Hey Russ
  8. yeah well i hope that guy gets karma come back to him seen lawyer yet .... or dont want to talk about it?
  9. supra is cool Liz .... hey you know what would be reaaaaallly coool .... you in a ZX :uh-huh: yeah i almost typed back "i wouldnt be seen dead in a silvia (no joke)" ...... i was so tempted but i didnt want to rub the silvia people that are likable up the wrong way so once again i bit my tongue.
  10. sorry denver just bein g a bitch - it took all my power not to say that too ... but today is not the day for stupid little girls and their lame comments!
  11. Liz hey your piece of crap can race my piece of crap (laser) LOL we'll take them down the drags and do a Cheeky "We own skylines really" See pharlaps comment ..... oh ive got a rooted clutch ... well big phucking whoopsie for you hun .... we've got rooted cars!
  12. my toes are soooo cold they are sore!!! slippers arent helpin Car goes in to panel beaters tomorrow ....
  13. yep ... got his rego .... i just went into shock .... that was the worst thing that happened to me ..... left my car in the middle of a sidestreet and i started pacing up n down it trying to phone people who were asking me where i was but i had no clue i told each one of them a different suburb and i drive there everyday!! its funny looking back ..... a taste of what i'll be like in my old age when i start losing my mind
  14. nah im good ..... see i managed to brake and control my car .... he didnt.
  15. still driveable ..... front spoiler still hanging on for its dear life at least ..... no bonnet damage just spoiler damage i'll be greatful for .... prick drove off n left me there tho *spits on him*
  16. i was only 15 when that picture was taken ..... paedophiles
  17. nah was just playing Bejewelled on messenger with Boxhead .... oh banned one. back now .... hey Denver .... peelies are private collection only .... you'll have to come over to see those oh denver some fool ran a red light n smashed my car up this morning:(
  18. i want the playboy rabbit stickers but i dont know where to find them might jus tget my own made up in holigraphic silver colour and get some SAUWA ones done while im at it.
  19. yeah well if they cant handle their vehicle in the wet they shouldnt of been given a license in the first place ..... but more importantly if they dont know what a phucking red light means then they shouldnt be given their license. hope dads taking me out to dinner tonight ... need to be spoilt!
  20. as with anything if its meant to happen it will ...... it was just hard to tell whether he liked me or not .... and i dont want to start shooting my mouth off confidently if i didnt get it.
  21. havent a clue .... theres only me and one other chick with dealership experience ..... i got three stars ..... apparently thats good .... but yeah my age ..... me appearing too nice ..... and the fact that i couldnt really give a rats arse today ..... i did tell him about the accident tho ...... maybe working against me .... we'll wait n see ..... $50K a year does make my mouth water tho :drooling:
  22. well just come back from mhy interview but on the way there the neighbours cat decided to run out in front of me and if it wasnt for some good brakes that had already been well used today and a big mo-fo horn it wouldve been roadkill. Theb a few kms up the road a 4wd decides to cut the corner and almost finish up whats left of my front end. WHAT IS IT WITH ME TODAY?? its like im cursed ...... everything i touch turns to disaster. And i love the job although they are really concerned with my age and how im going to handle "the boys" ...... and to tell you the truth as much as i would like the job im too physically and mentall ystuffed today to begin on the many reasons why they should employ me ..... im basically of the attitude "Are you going to give me the phucking job or not" today!
  23. i'll take my car down plex .... no front spoiler should take at least a second off the time eh
  24. haha thanks my mums missing ya Dan
  25. i have the biggest splitting headache ..... just downed a couple of panadol in the hope it'll go before interview .... which i slooming rather quickly. I think i'll let the boss know what happened today in the hope he'll understand why im not so bubbly ..... cos for this position you have to deal with customers a bit and today i just look like death warmed up.
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