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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. paul ...... its just you .... Al's gone back to work ..... you can let go now and move on!! once again i say :werd: ^ i just love that little guy.
  2. nah he said he was feeling lucky not he got lucky hopefully some of that luck rubs off on me ...... need lotsa luck at the moment ..... trying to get outta here.
  3. ok :werd:
  4. yes it was very cold at the JMS Drift Day .... u were there .... u tell me **gives paul that weird what the phuck u on about where are you going with this line of questioning look**
  5. me filing ...... between posting anyway ...... drawing it out ..... its my only source of work ..... once again ive been put in a job ..... havent been told what im doing ..... havent been given any work ..... just another butt on a chair really.
  6. bye ..... where did everyone go!
  7. *blushes*
  8. no weather like that doenst make it hard .... it makes it shrink .... u should know that paul mmmm boredom ..... is the day over yet .... can i go home .... can i? plllleeeeaseee
  9. talking about after i scratched my butt :uh-huh: im not dirty - i had a shower this morning!!
  10. oh it wasnt Runt.... i thought geez he's only had it two weeks! Ahhh so Racers taken a bit of a beating ..... oh well thats part of competition ...... if he cant keep it in one piece at speed dome i hate ot think what its going to look like after targa. Oh saw the "driftpig" C-Red Blue Silvia/200sx thing on the way to work today.
  11. eh? why the wheels point different angles? whats he done to runt????
  12. wheres Frasers ..... they got yummy menu too ..... i was looking at it going thats pretty cheap ..... but it was only the entree column .... hehe me so blonde!!
  13. hey least i didnt smell my fingers Boosty ..... yeah lumpy & kens habits have rubbed off onto me. mmmm reorganising the filing section with all the hotel etc menus in it ........ Melbourne Hotel looks like its got some good tucker - well for me anyway cos its all chicken n fish .... cant see a steak on the menu anywhere.
  14. nah she sent me a PM hunting for my email addy cos she hasnt been around to let her know im still at same work ..... so hopefully should catch up on her news Boosty ..... ya lost me there ..... vaguely remember some 80's arcade game like that.
  15. hope its just cos ive been staring at puter too much but yeah its usually what a headache means. *yawn* *stretch* *fart* *burp* *scratch butt* *look around* *pick nose .... flick it at collegue* man i need to get out of here ...... its time.
  16. she left an hour ago paul
  17. going to bring my little radio into here .... its too quiet and im singing songs in my god awful voice. ive got a huge mofo headache ...... usually means theres a cold coming on!
  18. that was quick paulie ..... find everything ok? me so full .......
  19. Stock Blow off ..... no noise ..... but my car does a lot of whizzing under the bonnet sure sign theres a turbo under there ..... somewhere Yeah Dan .... my car is painfully stock no pod filter ....... yet.
  20. City West Business place im guessing is near City West!! Jap is in food court ...... actually theres a couple of places you can get it in West Perth ...... Food Court is in Hay St in centre of West Perth ..... in Arcade beside Commonwealth Bank (opposite West Perth Red Cat stop)...... theres one also not far down from food court heading away from city ..... never been in there think it does mainly sushi. they are about as good of directions a girl can give .... going to get my food now ..... girl is hungry.
  21. Dumb Arse House Its cool Paul .... i'll get off my own fat lazy arse and go get it myself ....
  22. which way does the weather come n ...... trying to decided weather those rain clouds are coming or going before i head outside ........ cos it only rains in my lunchbreaks
  23. glorious have u looked outside........ Paul can you pick me up Jap and drop it off to me its too cold n wet to go walking ..... *jk*
  24. and if pauls never heard of it ..... it musnt exist ahhh its all too easy
  25. see that Paul .... Brett called you a lady
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