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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. raves on Sundays are not a good idea unless you have 3 days afterwards off work! hehe *remembers the days of watching the CCI (work) revolving door go round n round n round and room spinning after rave* hehe yeah the monaro looked more ridiculous than the wing therefore everything balances out!
  2. theres a big "no name brand" wing on this new Monaro thats in West Perth .... and its about as high as Pauls ...... looks phucking ridiculous!
  3. yeah but i woke up fatter this morning ..... i had such a tubby tummy on me this morning exercise = fatter lauren
  4. had jelly legs last night ..... girls laughing at my shakey muscles - thats ok Mel wasnt hurting as much as me cos she's been a s lazy as me. Not sore this morning tho - i did stretch it out quite a bit tho.
  5. hmmm me thinks going nowhere much til i get used to that clutch of yours ..... I dont know we'll be off drinking wine and consuming chocolate factory chockies and perving somewhere ...... i get the feeling Julie aint really into cars. Bye Bye
  6. yeah a dirty weekend away with 3 other couples nah should be good fun least theres other chicks to keep me occupied while guys talk about motorsport .... over n over n over again. *evil grin* i'll drive paul :innocent:
  7. LOL @ Erin ..... tell andrew i completely agree! mmmm i aint got much money to take with me to meelup..... i dun get paid til next wednesday.
  8. is that this weekend .... or weekend after .... what time is "leave early on friday" so i know how much to the bosses i have to suck. and .... where are we staying. oh and whos car we taking?
  9. LOL @ Dan "oh its just my things to buy list ..... so i dont forget next time im at the workshop"
  10. yes but it is Nitto packaging tape ...... therefore a style statement a bit like your rollcall down the side ......
  11. oh well your a victim of your own kindness paul Beware Erin ..... Browsing becomes an addiction!! :uh-huh:
  12. nah he owns gay wing .... gun metal grey with the washing line on the back and red rims often seen on falcoons
  13. paul u need to open up a workshop hun!!
  14. nah it was murdoch that was highest
  15. he works for murdoch .... he's the reason their download usage is about 25% higher than the second highest uni LOL ..... did you see that in the West Australian on Saturday Paul? Newspaper article on the download useage of unis
  16. uni "workers" ..... more like bludgers :uh-huh: weather has been shit here for ages - it started to rain walking to lunch and soon as i got inside the lunch bar it stopped *mutters underbreath*
  17. :Party: for Erin yeah Erin there better be email there!! Yeah public servants have a good life .... boring and mundane but still fairly cushy
  18. lucky you
  19. will do theres stuff to do but it just doesnt interest me what im doing once again. how was your workout?
  20. oh talking about jobs Erin got notified that shes got a new one today Receptionist for a company .... she's all excited n sad.
  21. yeah but you also have to pay FBT on company cars .... so really you still have to pay for them but you dont have to worry about licensing and insurance at least. today is going rather slow ..... maybe a sign of things to come!
  22. mmmm company car :drooling: ..... thats what i want ..... and petrol card ..... if i get this new job its part of the package ..... i would have all those above goodies on my R33 in no time!!
  23. missing....where did they go? my car is missing an intercooler .... 3.5 Zorst .... EBC ..... nah not paying me too much .... well they are saying they hadnt paid me when they had ..... its really weird .... but yeah i just got paid weally early when i thought i got paid too much.
  24. paul .... do what i do - ignore them ..... i still get calls on my phone from my temp agency ..... ive told them a million times whats going on .... i aint returning their calls to repeat it again!! My lips are all dry n cracked - it hurty and yukky!
  25. im now filing stuff that shouldve been filed back in 2001!
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