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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. .....unless you want me to just go buy my own plain t-shirt (something i like) and have someone screen print it with the rest .....
  2. Paul not meaning to be difficult but singlet for Kyles .... the other shirt for me .... didnt really like the singlet and its too low for me to "fill" yeah i know we're fussy.
  3. yeah in which she'll promptly leave as you bring out the N/A jokes ..... paul the master of tact strikes again!! Mine doesnt go pssshttt and its turbo
  4. yeah stay clear of Sauces ..... Sambucca is way to go - warm n tinglly .... well im only on here til lunch so i better go as well. Cutting down on the use and behaving.
  5. mmm true but it should be fining up shortly. It better be .....!!
  6. yeah well im sure my body will sort itself out and become well again ive lost my view .... my office once again has a view of the wall its not all morale inspiring!!
  7. yeah well im thinking of joining the legions of idiots in west perth that jog during lunch ..... put things on a bit of a fastrack .... but it aint going to happen this lunchtime .... it'll just be me n my prawn roll getting reacquainted (sounds quite kinky doesnt it ) But im going to gym tonight .... so i am a good girl .... *pat on back* Still not feeling that healthy tho .... got sharp pains in chest .... like when your really stressed but im not stressed its weird.
  8. :slap: yeah ok - im going to get very bored very quickly by the feels of things but hey people are nice n yeah so i cant complain to much. ive applied for something else tho .... its pretty much perfect but we'll see ive got the experience so im in with a chance
  9. LOL @ Cam .... thats funny..... but he doesnt have thousand island dressing
  10. morning/afternoon today i get my prawn roll fix .... i shall be a happy girl
  11. .... SS Zorst, GTR kit, Blondie .... no nismo badge ... just NIZMO plates ....... but i dont think i was in armadale this morning!! and mines black.
  12. well im off to bed .... sorry .... stupd work ..... after two weeks holidays i aint looking forward to it! Sweet Dreams :angel:
  13. yeah i wanted my rear speakers installed but i thought being wet my backseat my get soggy not to mention i think i'll get more satsfaction of attempting to do it myself, finding out i cant, thoughly phucking it up, throwing a tantrum and calling friends to do it anyway
  14. Baileys mini bottles haha i was polishing them off in Adelaide .... he boys couldnt believe the rapid rate they were disappearing from the fridge!
  15. yeah bam next time u invite me to help dont u know its unhealthy to drink by yourself ..... yeah nearly my bedtime too .... i no wanna go to work tommorrow!
  16. sounds like everybody was doing angels springs ..... did anybody elses car get anything done to it
  17. haha Cam ya doofus! leaving the barndoor open like that almost sounds like braving wet n cold n wind for .... oh well next time
  18. LOL stands for this .... laughing out loud :uh-huh:
  19. nooooo!! i missed butt cracks .... damn ... total Kodak moment!! yes i hate wet n cold and i have no talents so decided not to come
  20. LOL @ Cam n Bam ..... Drunkards .... never see me doing things like that
  21. only "sick" not "fully sick" yeah quite a few skylines n silvias n 180's up that way ..... it was funny cos dad was going "oh we did that fence and the fence and that fence" and i was like "oh theres a Skyline and theres a Silvia" driving poor mum insane
  22. haha looks like i missed out on something today was this at the skill swap??
  23. sounds like a good deal im just going to live with my folks a little while longer ..... i want to pay of my debt then might save t buy ...... just want a new job, a new home and just a bit of a fresh start hehe lotsa guidos live there
  24. must be serious then coming out from london .... she just went back there!! must be something she likes out here ........
  25. Claremont is nice so you building then? u going to put a big mo-fo jesus statue out the front of ur house Cam? ..... in keepng with the suburb n all.... have u seen some of the dirty big jeebus statues some of them have adorning their gardens?
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