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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. bye kyles
  2. haha same one from kuala lumpur or diferent or what .... is this olivia?
  3. one house that me n mum love - it has an atrium up the middle of it marble flooring etc etc but dad sees a bit more work still to be done is just across from Morley High. But mostly looking St Andrews/ Dianella Heights/ Dianella
  4. no probs i'll let you stalk me as long as you let me come over and drink ya beer .... its the neighbourly thing to do
  5. cool me playing Erica cheekyR32) is SA was funny - both her n i couldnt play for shit so by the end we were just moving the balls around the table to suit us in 'special girls rules'
  6. Cam i'll probably be moving up to your "new house" way *evil laugh* be able to stalk
  7. pool shark work???
  8. they do exist cam ..... just very rare!
  9. yeah not that house tho .... really wasnt us!! all the houses we like arent for sale 2 weeks .... ne chance to rescue it before the
  10. hehe tomato dress hey liz went to look at a house in St Andrews today .... had all Irish dancing trophies in it!!
  11. yeah dont see Troy on often .... im getting a bit "over it" myself .... be focusing more n my career and less on whoring these coming weeks need to get priorities straight me thinks has it been auctioned yet Liz?
  12. yup kyles ..... girls are taking over whoretown and im only less than 200 posts short of overtaking ur beloved
  13. any news on ur line? i hardly see any hotties on road or in general ...... good looking men seem rather rare ......... or im extremely fussy
  14. shut up bitch *joke* jealous!! yeah working getting myself better job back to what enjoy ..... cars .... also company car n petrol included yeah plan to go to kyles but probably drivin so wont be too much misbehaviour!
  15. from burswood bookn remember
  16. good thanks ..... bg irish dancing shin dig for u soon eh? sorry about typos on mums laptop with difficult keyboard in middle of drk room
  17. hehe well thats why chose top i did ..... i dont have your "upper assets" and trust me im jealous!! ive got choice of either dark demin mini (every skirt looks mini on me tho) or my very short demin shorts that are quite a nice snug fit you legs should look fine least you can wear heels (always flattering on legs) i cant end up looking like friggin giant!!
  18. haha just take Gtrken for example .... takes a R32 GTR wth an awfully worn motor .... drags a Mits GTO .... yeah hurts it a little but it keeps solidering on ..... then takes it to JMS drifta-thon .... with clutch n engine worn gives it a good thrashng there .... starts makng weird noses after but it still soliders on ...... theres cars are meant for this over a long period of time .... sure theres going to be slight damage over time but for most part thats why they are called "performance" vehicles!! they are built for speed n an occasional hammerin ..... dont stress .... enjoy!! ....... i accept no liability in engine harm that comes from this advice
  19. understood ...... everyone involved needs to be comfortable .... but as with any promo gig there is a certain amount of skankiness involved ..... the old 'sex sells/ got it flaunt it' i guess. I used to do modelling so im pretty well accepted this fact loooong ago. Butdark blue singlet should look tops
  20. Russ *hugs* havent talked/seen you in ages!! ..... yeah my parents think ive got a guardian angel cos everytime i get myself into something i just seem to have something 'knock on my doorstep' but i know that luck will run out one day ......
  21. the boys are having blue .... bras etc get a bit pricey and why have a built in one when you can just take your own - moulded, flattering own Kyles this really has to be on a budget ....we are already over and its starting to comeout of pauls pocket Im not really into my black one .... each to their own i know but Blue is what the boys have got and Blue is what the girls have got ..... maybe if the single was made "all blue" for you would that be a good comprimise? its dark enough to be flattering but still inkeeping with what everyone else has?
  22. mmmm*niz thinks of the life with a company car again* ..... you know how much money i would have up my sleeve??? ....... *dreams* Everytime im in trouble of somekind i get thrown a lifeline .... sonsidering the financial trouble im in .... this has to be my life line ..... oh son of rajab pleeeeeez let it be my lifeline!
  23. LOL @ Kyles ..... if it was low on you .... imagine what it was like on me .... kinda um hello! My preference was the blue sleeved/ white shirt but in V-neck if we could get it ...... that shouldnt be too bad .... blue sleeves draw attention to upper body i thought We have black shirts already ....... the plain jayne Skyline Australia ones.
  24. hmmm i never know whether what i say in resumes is impressive or comes across as egotistical ....... such a fine line. oh well experience speaks for itself ..... they can take the way i formatted it or leave it.
  25. hi peeps im here ..... working on my resume .... i weally weally want this job .... mmmm car and petrol involved and i have the necssary experience so the only thing really holding me back would i guess be my age and the fact the my resume reads like a novel where ive jumped a round a zillion jobs for my age
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