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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. well hate to love u n leave ya but i originally got on here for a bit of a look around ..... andnow im off to curl up on the couch n watch TV. Its sad i couldve gone out tonight but chose the couch instead .... im getting old .... feeling sick doesnt help either Take care :grouphug:
  2. hehe so shes july, august n september Thats great!
  3. lucky i guess mmm so whats going on witht he girlfriends ..... u apparently have a new one for each month - so whos "Miss September"
  4. nah .... i dun like doctors .... only go to them when its fatal - which ive only made one trip to the emergency room my whole life..... and plan to make it the only trip!! Actually a girl i work with had a similar thing .... she got hospitalised for it .... got fed thru an intravenous drip - no explanation for it
  5. nah it could be a "thing" i get occasionally ..... i havent had it in a while tho .... last time i got it - it unfortunately hit me in pauls car - he was lucky i managed to keep control of my stomach ..... and it wasnt motion sickness or anything. Its just ever since i was 11 i just get these waves of nausea ... sometimes it lasts 24hours .... longest its lasted was 2 weeks where i didnt eat cos i couldnt and therefore got so weak that i would just fall to the floor everytime i got out of bed .... i lost 10kgs and my ribs were just popping out everywhere .... my parents thought i had an eating disorder it was bloody scary. But i still get it occasionally never as bad as that tho ... still worries my love ones but its nothing i have control of and my mum has something similar.
  6. yeah true .... but whats this about an auto being so slow - if it leaves gear changes to as late as a manual .... then it'll be making the same power as a manual.
  7. im sure there will be a couple of pics floating around ..... with the way im feeling at moment - least i wont have to diet!
  8. mine will usually rev out 2nd n 3rd ....... hit 7000rpm the other day .... i was so proud *blushes* Nah on auto skylines you hit the "power" button and all it will do is basically leave gear changes til 5000 - 7000 rpm
  9. yeah well im sure he couldve absoultely shot off if he wanted too .... or thats the way he wouldve told it ..... but there was some god damn smoke billowing out of the zorst when he floored it too ...... seems little miss auto is slightly faster than he gives me credit for
  10. i think i found Pulsar guy yeah im going to be donning a skimpy outfit and handing out promo for our Auto Salon in October ... should be a bit of fun ..
  11. no !! I was ready to trade in my car til we got to the lights and he told me he had put an SR20 into it ..... that made me feel heaps better!! LOL me n paul were having a bit of a muck around on a hwy today ..... he wasnt pulling away as much as i thought he would .... in fact it was pretty funny cos he seemed a bit slow .... and once i got to 180 i gave up the chase cos of speed limiter
  12. ive been working .... just got back from adelaide - that was cool - went to JMS Doorifto event over there
  13. LOL @ me .... trying to go thru pulsar forums to see if i can find someone i had a drag with last night
  14. nah not tired .... and i'll just focus too much on how i feel Thanks *hugs back* So what u been up to lately?
  15. hey chaos - im lurking - i feel like shit ...... im going hot n cold and feel really nauseous and im starting to feel dizzy .... probably not best to be on computer but kinda wanted company - folks are out tonight and theres noone round to nurse me
  16. i likebeing "dragged" and the company is fine Well im off :wavey:
  17. sore hand eh? why? LOL wheres ur imagination at Well im off to a friends place ...... i'll be whorng everybody later
  18. u never seen an orange juice container before Bam? Nah the only person looking after me is me
  19. GTR Ciggerette Lighter perfect for lighting that post coital joint
  20. scary boys ......... geez no wonder i dont get ny attention round here u are girlyboys
  21. Ross that Simpsons was on not that long ago or was that on normal TV ..... hmmm confuddled
  22. tit? Niz counts ..... one .... two ...... nah theres two there .... tits not tit
  23. And i declare this new land BAMANIA
  24. takes top off
  25. we've got enough space at my house to garage 7 cars .... all i need now is some Munro beasts to fill it up with
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