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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. mel rang finally credit her on phone rang out .... meeting her at gym at usual 7pm going to be sore in the morning
  2. how about u teach me to knit paul
  3. oh well i like it and at least i can keep the carpets clean then
  4. PAS aint far away! LOL a Grandma Bam !!
  5. big revelation ....... I CANT KNIT
  6. mmmm chequer plate :drooling: ask dad to get prices on metal tonight ..... powdercoating wont be a prob.
  7. thought your lunch may have had a bad effect on u
  8. Wow aidwin sounds great haha nah its not a bt of Niz til you have packaging tape on the spoiler Alex .... engine is extremely tired!! its breathing heavily and yeah its got a little bit of fruit on it but its not much use when you have a phucked engine and clutch. Yeah ken went there hoping he would find an R to compete in ......
  9. GTRs aint driftpigs but they go well in hillclimbs and the other comps ken using them for. Yeah i named it Runt ...... cos he's had the Ricer, the Racer and ive named this one the Runt cos for a GTR its a bit of a weakling but still cute Nah there was quite a range f cars but no other GTRs from memory .... it ranged from sleighties, 180sx, silvias, R32 GTST, two R33's and a Holden ute
  10. Theres a long weekend in a fortnight and we are heading down to Meelup for a hillclimb comp .... which also is in close range to Margeret River ..... our wine n surfing capital Enrico - dont stress haha you could probably beat me!!
  11. Runt (GTR) had a very tired engine and the setup wasnt to crash hot so Ken did good considering what car he was dealing with but still not enough to rate ...... there were some talented guys out there with some nicely set up machines. And who won was a bit biased as they were a client of JMS who ran the comp, in everyones opinion there was another guy out there more deserving!
  12. aww cant i just go out with a sugar daddies son ..... i dont like my sausage shrivelled! Aidwin it was most enjoyable .... apart from Lumpys snorin and fartin
  13. Back Monday Ross Yeah would love to shop went yesterday then i looked at my bank account ..... and its not pretty
  14. im on holidays at the moment my mum gave me her laptop so i can whore in ront of the TV ...... got to find something to do but everyones at work
  15. ahh what u do on the road?
  16. haha my work email?
  17. i feel like a ****tail
  18. you whore from work Denver?
  19. no worres Ross send ver the plane tickets nice wheels!!
  20. so what you getting Jules for her 21st?
  21. quiet
  22. yeah was looking thru TV guide goes a bit like this: Jerry: Smooth Talkers Get Busted Jerry: Cheaters Get Busted Jerry: lnvaison of the Cheaters Oprah: Dr Phil on Adultry Sally Jessie: The Secrets n Lies Stop Today Oprah: Russell Yates Talks to Oprah Jenny Jones: My Daughters Parties are Violent & Wld Maury: I'll prove my daughter was fathered by a 13yr old Queen Latifah: Interracial relatonships cant be nothered typing the rest .... u get the idea ......
  23. me either reckon they would go alright on the barbie when some snags n onions tho just eaten lunch ....chicken .... watching TV .... bored shitless but hey least im not at work!
  24. magic mushrooms?
  25. and toytas ....... yeah we tried to use a different supplier then Loms cos they were overly xpensive but dealership boss has friendship with Loms boss so we just beared the cost cool ..... more springer on Fox
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