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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha i used to work in pre-delivery organsing accessories and fittings and touch ups to cars ......... i know how car places work ...if they say tommorrow ... add at least three days
  2. oh well be back soon for Bam but never believe time estimates!!
  3. hey boys lesbians on springer ..... or isthat already where everyones disappeared too
  4. should be today means actually maybe next week
  5. oooh abswing .... wll also receive abswing manual and meal plan .... giving you a cmplete workout without going to gym ..... free amfm radio headphones ..............so many bargains so little money
  6. you got car back yet bam ....... im a bit behind on the updates
  7. mmmm strawberries yummy
  8. haha "Bams Diet" you should sell it as one of those hollywood fad diets Bam :uh-huh: 3 days of it is guaranteed to put you off Fast Food for life ...... i tell ya if i ever see another Golden Arches it'll be too soon!! Bring on my big juicy prawn rolls!!
  9. LOL Jerry: Lets meet Mandy she says shes torn between two men at her trailer park!!
  10. for someone that never watches it you must have ghosts in your house that just turn the channel over everytime its on and you have a psychic connection with the plot line
  11. hey silky soft hair remover onl $19.95 comes with free cleaning brush and if you ring in the next 15mins you get free mirror ...... Bargain
  12. Cant get much trashier than Neighbours Paul .... hehe you neighbours fan you!!
  13. man theres two guys fighting over this ugly whore and i cant even get a date LOL .... now thats got to say something!!
  14. Jerry Springer .......... "Ex-Lovers Attack" just thought yu would be interested...... geez this redneck needs to stop crying dump the whore and go back to his trailer!!
  15. ive never pranged my car ....not one dent ....not one scratch *quickly gropes wood* can join the exclusive club?
  16. Snoop dogg does some funny shit he has his own show on MTV .... its a crack up! Rub a dub dub ...... everybody in the tub
  17. thats funny but ive got an advanced degree in partying ettiquette
  18. two Alans and an Alex ...... confuddling ..... :crazy:
  19. nah wouldnt want to move on Kens turf ..... i know when someones outta my league. i wonder if jash enjoyed his "pressie" LOL
  20. yeah pauls a perv so is ken LOL nah im not scary
  21. well alex said it was contagious Cartoons rock ahhhh and ive got 3 glorious channels of them
  22. oh well Alex i know its not going to be easy there wll probably be a lot of swearing .... cursing .... tyre kicking but it'll be worth it ..... mmmm bass
  23. Al is t true black men have extra big ....um feet hey Paul bear in the big blue house is on
  24. well Donkey Kong Cartoon sucked wonder whats on now ......
  25. saving the best to last Sub
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