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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. why paul wanna apply nah got one more to interview .... but the guy she nterviewed yesterday with Ben looks like hes fairly suitable
  2. yeah come meet Niz the friendly giant my feet are cold ..... i didnt get up til 9:30
  3. yeah Sub ..... we'll have to meet up for lunch ! Yep Paul plan to head down about 3:30
  4. not sure yet paul .... only plans i have is to look over a hoity toity house with my mum on Saturday. be taking it fairly easy guess .... might try and fit rear speakers tomorrow.
  5. hey i didnt know there was an actual Donkey Kong cartoon!! watching it now donkey kong goes off as a rapper! LOL
  6. hey sub ..... its just a bit overcast today i prefer sunshine, lollipops n rainbows everywhere *starts to hum* Because im suffering from one big mo-fo contagious diease that makes people vomit up as soon as they lay eyes on me ....... plus im on holidays go back to work monday
  7. nooooo it cant rain !! not going to skills swappin event i have phuckall skills anyway
  8. hey peeps whoring from my mums laptop which is conviently placed in frnt of the TV ahhhh god bless laziness. Not as nice day today so im just bumming round home
  9. yeah i gave up mines too slow. Faster than work tho! anyway im heading off to bed .... peace be with you all. Have fun at work tommorrow. L8R
  10. paul: xmas week heading down south to my parents palace while they are in Tazzie. Head to Gold Coast early 2004 (Jan,Feb - whenever funds are raised shouldnt be expensive only really have to pay for flights)
  11. I wont paul .... besides even if i do theres not likely to be anyone round to hear it. always up for giggles D!
  12. hopefully not lumpy ..... otherwise you'll need an oxygen mask too!!
  13. Paul yeah well when i switched from full time to part time last summer .... i got paid nearly as much as fulltime i well ..... not worth it really. Summers to good to waste and i got no responsiblity so phuck it i'll party it up this summer too.
  14. sunny adelaide??? mustve gone to the wrong adelaide!! god damn cold!!
  15. sucker!! so not looking forward to going back to work - seriously thinking about going part time come summer again. I smell Sunday sessions in the air!
  16. its australias number one peelie boi ...... Denver
  17. you couldve made me if you wanted to ..... i did consider it ..... shouldve,couldve but didnt bak to work for u tommorrow?
  18. night Ken thanks again :grouphug: !!
  19. im wide awake - still on SA time me thinks .... sleep in was nice too ooooo plans sounds interesting!! Oh well ive got more choice than most 20 yr olds so im happy for now ......
  20. yeah he was a bit of a tool (poser) that guy ..... he deserved an butt whippin. a fairly tired GTR with four people in it crushing a GTO ..... now that has to say something
  21. yes and one day i'll have a garage like Munros ........ now all i have to do is dispose of my folks *joke*
  22. i get so attached to your GTRs Ken ...... specially this one! Should start buying more Cefiros and other crap like that so i dont get so heartbroken when they get sold!
  23. hehe yeah look like im preggers ugh its horrible ..... but wont be take too long to work off .... hit the gym tommorrow and i dont eat so much when im not working.
  24. Paul ..... shuldnt of spent so much money on the 33 then silly!
  25. nah even if i sell the whale i cant afford it ...... dont worry ive done the figures many times!
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