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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. My ex lost his 9 times - he went to the main station one time to get a print out and hand it in again ...... the print out of his driving record was 5 pages and while we were there i was just staring out the window at the police cars and multinovas etc there and this cop comes up behind me and goes "Nothing worth stealing out there luv" i mean what tha?? that was rude!! Anyway when it comes to my license - i shouldve lost it twice by now if it wasnt for some friendly forgiving cops so i cant bag them I am currently surviving on 3 points. I had a cop ask me the other day how many points i had left and i go "only three" and he raises his eyebrow at me and i go "Well i drive a fast car ok?" and he just cracked up laughing .... so most of the time i find them pretty cool.
  2. oi peelie boy ..... show me some peelies cos im off to adelaide tommorrow
  3. Ken you'll find something I started packing last night - now i know why i dont buy clothes with much material in them ..... i can fit more in haha See ya Monday
  4. i saw him on the way back from Wanners on Sunday - he wa spulled over on the side of the orad wondered if there was something wrong but it appears he was just talking on his phone
  5. sorry gotta sort a couple things out see those of you that are coming tommorrow .... to the rest of you ... blooody pikers!! :wavey:
  6. Casino tommorrow night Sub you coming?
  7. see ya simz!! yeah i still can be a little immature but just socially - not at work.
  8. nah most of his students are mature age Ex-punk kids that have suddenly realised at the age of 30 they better go do something with their life.
  9. paul get emails n pms and other forms of stalking i use to track you down
  10. Pauls usually pretty good with punctuality etc Bam - good for a guy anyway. yeah I would be a little homesick too Onyx ..... i guess it just depends on what you want n value more
  11. Onyx thats sounds ok tho - good change ..... not always a bad thing specially if you'll be earning more money in the long run because of it
  12. yeah done a lot of "different" jobs around here .... how the hell i got from working in car dealerships to this i dont know but its pretty cool cos once you've worked in cars for three years its hard to get out of the industry! I had interviews where they go "what skills do you have?" and i could do all this stuff but it related to the car industry only so im lucky i got out of it and got a decent job afterwards.
  13. haha thats funny Onyx *arab voice* I bomb your house Sorry couldnt help myself ^ Im probably going to do a coarse in cross cultral awareness soon cos i will be working in the Office of Aboriginal Economic Development when i get back from hols
  14. nah just listening to someone on radio - and ijust had to share. Pissed singing is alright - hell at one stage there was 8 of us singing at the top of our lungs on a train ..... its sober sucky singing thats just not right!!
  15. haha oh well my dads the same - he used to be pretty buff and he's got dark curly hair and dark brown eyes and used to wear the tight black t-shirts n big gold chains ....... italians love my dad cos they think hes "one of them" i look nothing like my dad - only inherited his gap in his two front teeth (which was corrected by braces anyway and his toes)
  16. dont you hate when people attempt to sing on radio - yet the suck beyond belief! and you feel almost embarrased for them!
  17. LOL @ Onyx sounds like a good life A friend of mine might be coming - Julio - he's South American but you would swear he was a wog - he wears the tight black t-shirts with the gold chains haha funny boy.
  18. Both Liz n I have Irish grandparents - so thats the only reason i can deduct why we have such a drinking habit
  19. 9pm then in front of Paddy Hannans bar
  20. 9pm ... but if you want to meet later thats fine.... just give us a ring and we'll let you know where everybody is.
  21. LOL yeah i'll BYO - but its just so tempting .... Better the BYO - i'll nick a bottle or two outta my folks bar How you guys getting there? Well dont know about plastered but we'll certainly be pretty happy
  22. im going to have trouble keeping away from the mini bar ...... im such a mini bar fiend!! haha Me n Liz are getting to our room 3:30 - probably starting then! on what ... we havent decided yet.
  23. yeah Simon - i got that one just recently! good idea!
  24. still around Denver? *Niz looks around - nooone watching* ..... PEEEELIE Aidwin - yeah i dont know how big the Flyers are going to be thats the only thing - you only need two that are inside .... you know just a few specs on it to drive the "race/technical" theme into their heads. If they are A4 .... then plenty of room - if they are half of A4 size they may be a bit squashed for space - unless they put the technical info on back.
  25. paulie - got writers block!! or trying to be creative while sober LOL ummm i managed to summarise everything the melbourne guys had in one paragragh!!! so i tried to flesh it out a bit .... and i manage to do three small paras .... ummmmm do you think we should have some technical info on a couple of the "feature" cars ... you know what has been done to them .... just to make it more interesting - or am i getttingg waay carried away? Anyway i'll send what my mediocre brain has come up with.
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