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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. lol @ aidwin - how come you eat so much yet stay so skinny (niz wants aidwins metabolism!) well i gotta do this thang for paul then i gotta eat some lunch myself so i'll talk to you all later.
  2. yeah got to go to lunch and work on this thang. Sub - see if Bam wants us all to meet up n have dinner somewhere like Nandos - although Shaft aint working tonight.
  3. Great news Simon - be nice to meet both of you photoshoot of cars im assuming .......
  4. nah sub - heard nothing is going on there now ...... so many conflicting stories.
  5. paul i'll do that wording thing at lunch then send it thru to your murdoch email man just had one long meeting about what everybody did.
  6. anyway cant whore much got two consecutive meetings and its my last day so a bit of work to finish
  7. thats no good - but i dont know what it is - ive heard of pinging before .... you got a S-AFC?
  8. good now i know im not working for 2 weeks!! ahhh freedom - big night at the casino tommorrow night to kick it all off with..... staying there in accomodation too.
  9. laugh @ ross PM - morning!! my last day at work for two weeks - so hard to get outta bed this morn!!
  10. You guys sound organised Cant wait - im getting all excited!!
  11. As you would say Paul ....... How about No ..... but thanks for the offer. Guess we aint going to pub on Friday then after Alan gets his car dynoed
  12. im off to lunch bye
  13. yeah went last night LOL .... long time no go tho. oh well shit happens..... too much to look forward to at the moment to beat myself up over the fact i havent gone.
  14. wonder if he's coming Sat night - might give him a message .... be good to catch up aint seen him in ages! i wish food around here was closer .... take me 15 mins to walk to bank n food oh well exercise is good i guess.
  15. I think it will be the most excitement he's had in a while grabbing me. how is danny boy besides the car?
  16. i know - but you put the idea into my head! You and bloody 25GTT! Subiaco oval looks rather small from here and im pretty close to it.
  17. i was suppose to be doing work .... the guy said he would come grab me in 5 but that was like 30mins ago and im not walking up there to remind him either ...... ive done my bit - ive asked for work.
  18. thats the one!! hmmm paul you got me into a bad habit - feel like japanese again for lunch today .... not my normal prawn rolls .... or smoked salmon bagels LOL
  19. LOL @ Aidwin yeah that was um started with B ..... i have it on video - it was funny ...... and he was flashing the Laker girls.
  20. cool i want to see that - might go sunday - theres actually a couple of movies out at the moment i wouldnt mind seeing for once
  21. Paul - what movie did you go see the other night - was it good?
  22. Oil Pressure ...... 8 when you first start it up .... normal engine temps .... 4 when accelarating ...... 1-2 when on idle. Theres also an old thread about it in General Discussion
  23. geez first im going to be too early now its like dont be too long .... men nah just wanna put some jeans and joggers on. hey Aidwin :wavey: Why isnt it holidays yet? sick of work today already!
  24. how low is low Angel?
  25. Paul - later suits me fine - i can go home first and get into something more comfy to give you more time Angel - whatever you do for any kinda dealership is never appreciated ..... its a pretty thankless proffession - everyone is in it for themselves.
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