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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha dont go into the car industry then Angel - that pays shit as well! and they expect you to do a lot of unpaid overtime. should work to live not live to work
  2. Angel - dont you kind work with extreme machines as well? surely that'll help income?
  3. coming straight from work paul - i can be at your place at 5.
  4. Yeah i do Paul - i havent really put pen to paper yet tho ..... give me another couple of days i'll do something before we go ok? You just need wording or some design ideas too? LOL @ Ross - yeah they werent happy when i quit my last job cos they made it so i was the only one who knew how to run the place so without me there the whole pre-del dept went kaput and they were on my phone straight after i landed back on perth shores! Angel - dont worry something will come along - ive nearly been jobless that many times im used to it!!
  5. i know thats what you meant paul its just i dont know what the parking arrangements etc are for it .... what time to go .... blah blah blah ..... i have no idea - which is nothing new. Yeah i know after two days im going to be - are we there yet .... still excited tho.
  6. yay everyones in a good mood :)
  7. i dont know - it says on the tickets it starts at 4pm but i guess you can come later *shrugs* - i dont know ive never been before why you asking me the plan LOL
  8. i feel like im already in holiday mode - its starts tonight with Rally Aust - then Sat with Burswood Then monday with Adelaide ...... i feel like a little kid
  9. :cuddle: Paul ..... its Rally Aust tonight .... yay
  10. Brett babe - how you doing ....... im getting a lot of headaches lately - its a bit of a worry! oh well guess its only a worry if i suddenly drop dead.
  11. early for you paul *yawn, stretch, ahhhhh lifes good*
  12. melbournes is a little boring eh? i guess tho to keep costs down its better to have it that way .... anyway least it gives a prototype and a few things to get the ideas kicking over. see ya later.
  13. ok paul thought it was going to stay with uncle Ray. but yeah that would probably suit better - that way my parents get to drive a real car ..... and it sits behind ZX and prevents any "selling"
  14. well what exactly are we premoting "the club?" or the cars they are looking at? i dont know - im having a bit of a creativity blank lately .... with my resume, with this - everything ..... the mistress of bullshit has lost her flare for exaggerating the truth!
  15. sub n cam n richie ..... and whoever has the "bug" Paul ...... off you go then .... bye :wavey:
  16. baaaack its such a nice day out there
  17. might email you for them or something - or ring ya .... or maybe pay when we get there. Anyway if you havent heard back before we leave - i'll give them a call see if they received it. ok off
  18. Well have small meeting with State supply Commis then have to go to lunch so will talk to everyone alter.
  19. hehe im wonderful *blushes* hmmm i think Aliens have stolen the paul i know .....
  20. you normally have jap thats quite healthy - even got me eating the bloody stuff now LOL ..... My mum has given me all these lollies to take with me, chips, biscuits, books, mini baileys ummm drink cups, oh and a picnic set (but that might have to stay in car then again its tiny and we may need the cuttlery n cups at some stage), what else ummmm tissues,
  21. http://www.adelaideregent.com.au/new/L_grand.php
  22. Paul - the rates on their website looked cheaper hun - before you press send button go to website and have a look see. i'll post link for you
  23. haha all these sick people - time to get outta WA before i get whatever it is!
  24. LOL only the one - be two after today. Um prefer to save the money incase i need it over there!! my parents said they'll always wire me some if i need it - ahhh god bless my folks!
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