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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. of coarse i will - im not that mean. stupid photocopying finished. gotta rent a car bay when i get back from adelaide ..... stupid parking inspectors are driving me insane. Still that townhouse is still for rent down the road ..... wonder if they've dropped the price yet? its been advertised for about 4 months now.
  2. yeah the wolf 3d looks a bit like a sony explode amp or stacker LOL - i would buy it off him for $200 yeah mobile with me - battery is getting low tho.
  3. i tried that once before paul - didnt work. im sick of photocopying peoples resumes *sigh* was hoping if im going to get a flaming soon over my internet useage soon - that you guys would at least make the flaming worthwhile
  4. for god sakes what does a girl have to do to get a little attention around here?
  5. dun like the veilside front bar .... like the rear one - thats more than likely what will be covering my arse when i have money
  6. Looks like Hick's - but Hick's looks better. Aidwin
  7. h-e-l-l-o *shrugs*
  8. what the "they premoted ISD's" - cops just keep getting weirder and weirder - oh well lucky its now and not when they can consificate the car.
  9. 6 points is huge .... haha but the coppers i got were a little better than that .... they let me off the WHOLE fine ...said they had better things to do - for once some police with their priorites straight!
  10. *takes a bow* ^ have no clue why. ello aidwin
  11. boo!! haha got a meeting between some of the ladies that work here and the director general on friday regardinng our workloads and some constructive comments blah blah blah - thing is - i leave on ejob to start a new job when i come back .... ive moved around this friggin place 4 times now ..... i have no constructive comments about my workload cos it varies ....... i think the problem is his internet bill is still to high so he's going to find the source of the problem i.e me ...... but im a temp and the policy says we can use it as long as it doesnt interfere with work which it doesnt - i get all my work done before time.
  12. munch time - later everyone
  13. haha yeah i was "chip girl" on sunday so flash i just had to share with everybody
  14. haha you see that all the time here .... every park has to have at least one drunk abo ..... its even worse when they try and talk to you and then say "My cousin over there thinks your pretty" ..... *niz cringes*
  15. Surf LOL i think i may be slightly uncoordinated at that. Hey Jason - day whoring again eh?
  16. Z33??? eh? ........ u mean the 350Z? Nah Black Z32 with a Fat Bodykit on it and huge deep dish rims ....... :drooling: ... i cant afford that even so a 350Z is waaaay outta my league.
  17. yeah twice - i went same time last year and did them all (theme parks). I might do one or at the most two again and skip the lame ones.
  18. yeah be nice to see all the bits i havent normally gotten to see be about my 4th trip to Queensland.
  19. haha mullet Paul - no mullet just side burns LOL and his ever beloved Man Utd shirts cool - so we going to have some spare time in Adelaide while ken goes solo to Melbourne ....... im not going xmas im going sydney NYE then QLD january.
  20. Paul can you PM me the details then .... would be nice to have some idea whats going on hun!
  21. my parents think im born under lucky star the success i have with jobs - im the same - i always quit before ive found something and by the time it comes to leave ive always got something to go to.
  22. LOL haha yeah should be fun - but still a while away lotsa other stuff ot concentrate on for now.
  23. Lumpy still coming?
  24. congrats Ross .... looks like i'll head up there the beginning of next year for a holiday
  25. so has accomodation been organised?
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