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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. ok we have people premoting fruit and vege and they have hats made of fruit etc .... playing weird music and prancing all over the building and its scary so im going to lunch now!!
  2. yeah R33 is slow but cant complain its all working fine ..... my dad is pestering me to do something about the back spoiler cos it looks shit - but where he expects me to pull the money from i dont know .... Oh well i reckon the packaging tape just gives it more of the "mean" look
  3. OMG - i had no idea what time it was - here im sitting here thinking its like 10am still and its lunch time!! Todays gone so fast!
  4. see ya Sub Yeah Bam i know what ya mean - New Town definately doesnt have one anymore - they use Lombardis - thats how i know some of the guys there .... well not anymore cos anyone worth knowing has left! haha - but some of the bigger Toyota Dealerships should have - but im not sure who. New Town used too - but it didnt make them any money.
  5. i wasnt feeling well last night had headache and yukky tummy - thought i might be coming down with some kinda bug but then i thought maybe it was sunburn i got yesterday *shrugs*
  6. Sounds good plan Paul Then again Friday afternoon drinks seem to get me into cop trubble .... Bam - no i think some have their own panel beaters - if you look in the yellow pages under panel beaters - if the toyota dealerships name appears then they'll do it ..... but off the top of my head im sorry i dont know who does and who doesnt ... The govt uses S & M Smash Repairs
  7. yeah Sub thanks i'll tag along
  8. true Ross you havent sorry ..... strut brace in ok?
  9. i can only make it after 4:30 as thats when i finish work Sub Work restricts what i can do and everytime i think im going to be unemployed they remploy me and extend my contract like some cruel joke haha
  10. anyone want to talk to a girl that drives a slow car and never dragged it or dynoed it and cant afford goodies for it
  11. dad will stick up for me so it will be fine - other than that maybe Ross's idea aint so bad .... i have a job for 6 weeks (and more than likely a extenstion when thats up) after Adelaide
  12. No Bam it doesnt - it uses Lombardi Paul ive really had it - im going to go her big time tonight - in front of my dad cos i know my dad knows how bad she is and will stick up for me and make sure she minds her own business when they are at work!
  13. im so pissed off at my mother ..... she tells those two gossiping bitches that work for her all my business then they go tell the whole phucking wide world and it comes back to me in the weirdest of sources ........ and she wonders why i dont tell her most things??
  14. i always get nice cops ..... touch wood ..... but if your polite they are polite back - helps to have an innocent looking face
  15. my contract at the department has just been extended for 6 weeks after i come back from Adelaide ..... they took me over Kirsten who i work in the same office with for this job cos i apprently know the department better ..... say what?? shes been here longer than me and is more permanent but ive moved around more i guess.
  16. cops are everywhere lately and this plan to consficate cars ..... isnt taking whats not yours stealing ..... or was i just misinformed about that you see al the letters to the editor in the newspapers - all these old farts are saying how its such a good idea and cars should be speed limited etc ..... they are speed limited to 180km.hr *evil laugh*
  17. sorry working - weekend was good - beautiful weather ..... ive got a very full on next couple of weeks tho .... im starting to get nervous ... excited but nervous Went to drift day as previously said ummm cleaned ZX and R33 ..... begged dad to keep ZX (i have plans for that car ) ummm was suppose to do job application but i ran outta time and i had a mental block this morning - so its still not done ummmm dont think im going to be outta work when i come back anyway. I think DoIR plan to remploy me. mum came back from melbourne and bought me some really nice clothes good to have her back tho even if sometimes she can be a bitch.
  18. hey Ross cant stay for long have work to do its my last week ..... or is it?? they want to know when im going to be back in perth noooooo i swear im going to be here til retirement - theres no escape for me!
  19. hehe Hicks reckons he was having trouble keeping up with the ZX on the way there. Wasnt really pushing the old girl either cos no brakes, no insurance and a lot of unmarked cop cars hanging around aint a good thing!
  20. i think pauls car is more set-up for track than Drift tho. But all the Skylines were having trouble.
  21. hey sub. Not the best Aidwin .... he was telling me before how he didnt have much troble getting the wheels spinning ...... but when it comes to the Track he seems to have quite a bit of trouble .... his diff doesnt help - then again Ken did ok in it
  22. LOL @ Dan ..... i'll leave the honours to you
  23. morning The Whales didnt do so well at the Drift Day. Silvia guys were doing pretty damn good tho. But they were ego tripping off it "These guys have so much more money than us yet we are kicking their butts" um more money? I cant afford to put an RB25 in my ZX like they have done to their silvias.
  24. i know you guys are out there .... Brett coming on the 6th?
  25. Brings Coronas & Crownies for me too Paul :uh-huh:
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