LOL @ Ross - thats for me to know
i meant car wise ... i guess chopped is the word .... had a bunch of silvia guys turning round looking (i ws behind them) at my car yesterday think that was thru the tunnel tho
cant understand why Ben couldnt handle the problems in the business for phucks sake he's director of the new one he should be big enough and ugly enough to handle things - instead of getting my dad to run back and babysit him!!
complicated?! agh buy the ingrediants i'll show ya ....
you should cook for Alex and his family one day considering how much they do for you ........ actually quite a lot of people you are indebted too!!
i quite enjoy cooking for myself cos if it turns out crap then i only have to eat it haha
It was easy cooking when i was living outta home - cos when your living with a diabetic - the choices on the menu can halve haha
hehe actually rain on sunday would be funny as!! for spectators anyway
i prefer not to go with people at gym - its not exactly a glamous look .... all sweaty, red and B/O-a-fied.
yeah i need ot get back to gym - been rather lazy lately.
today is a wonderful day - hope its liek this on the weekend!! im so hanging for summer hate this cold crap weather .... and the car stays cleaner for longer in summer too
i made these pasties and in them had ...chicken, bacon, spinich, brie & tasty Cheese, packet of crema of chicken soup mix ..... its kinda an old receipe of my mums but i think i can make it better i think just cos i put more stuff in it
dads first night home - i may have to pass unfortunately - besides im having a fat day where im disgusted with the way i look and all the junk ive eaten lately - so its probably best you finish icecream off