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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha hes done a lot for you - hope you appreciate it!
  2. haha yeah there was always a nice balance of people and quiet time at my old place. I couldnt complain
  3. sweet lucky guy!!
  4. ive always got freedom .... had that since i was 17 .... but its just i like to hoave house to myself and its ice n quiet - no mood swings from my mum, no financial nagging from my dad ..... its just me time and i love it!
  5. not like your ever there anyway doubt they'll even notice your gone
  6. must be excited about getting it back tonight My dads coming back a day early ive messaged him to ask him if he wants me to pick him up at the airport but he hasnt messaged me back.
  7. ok then haha what you going to tow yours should be clean by then anyway geez leaving a bit late - asking
  8. paul, have you got the week in september off yet?
  9. whats the go with the drift day? guess pauls staying at mickos so guess take my own car and meself up and park at the gate or something and walk up to watch so my cars not a nuisance ....
  10. well jerry is over and its my bed time - dads coming home tommorrow (so have ot make sure house tidy in morning) .... i love them but i wish they would leave me alone ..... already had five SMS's from them today Night all
  11. i think this cat has a strange sexual attachment to the computer monitor ..... it lays on top of it and starts purring loudly
  12. watching Jerry Springer - unfortunately my tightarse parents wont pay for the adult channels haha porns always good for a laugh.
  13. and its spelt Celibate .....
  14. Grin or Green Wasnt the one cos she didnt put out:p ... that was a joke ... you'll get there Joe :uh-huh:
  15. dodgy Joe - how was your celibate weekend away
  16. fat gay men licking cream off each others chests ......ewwww .... thing i'll have to sleep with the night light on tonight with those picture sgoing through my head!
  17. sure Denver is not your long lost son ....you seem to both have the same sick minds of coarse mine is as pure and :innocent:
  18. but tis cool like a shopping docket ....just want to know where they put the GST haha
  19. my dads coming home a day early ....tommorrow - i so needed this time too myself i really didnt need him or mum home just yet!!
  20. hey Aidwin - wanna see the shop-a-docket i got from the police on Friday night haha *im liek a kid showing off her scars*
  21. ^ sorry thought i would help the convo start *shrugs* I watching Jerry!! man even if these guys are actors - they are still freakshows!!
  22. sex
  23. Lol @ all of you now ....... back to the whoring .....
  24. LOL its actually my mums pussie ken mine went feral tonight and attacked me.
  25. ken anyone want a Birman Cat? stoopid thing has been following me around whinging and constantly wanting attention and pats etc .... its pissing me off!!
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