ive always got freedom .... had that since i was 17 .... but its just i like to hoave house to myself and its ice n quiet - no mood swings from my mum, no financial nagging from my dad ..... its just me time and i love it!
must be excited about getting it back tonight
My dads coming back a day early ive messaged him to ask him if he wants me to pick him up at the airport but he hasnt messaged me back.
whats the go with the drift day? guess pauls staying at mickos so guess take my own car and meself up and park at the gate or something and walk up to watch so my cars not a nuisance ....
well jerry is over and its my bed time - dads coming home tommorrow (so have ot make sure house tidy in morning) .... i love them but i wish they would leave me alone ..... already had five SMS's from them today
Night all
fat gay men licking cream off each others chests ......ewwww .... thing i'll have to sleep with the night light on tonight with those picture sgoing through my head!
anyone want a Birman Cat? stoopid thing has been following me around whinging and constantly wanting attention and pats etc .... its pissing me off!!