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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. nup my mobile is at home haha why not with me in the car ya pussie!
  2. hehe i knew you couldnt be too far away ....your ears burning ..... *hides behind Ross*
  3. yeah see i have half the power but least it gets used he's soooo going to flame me when he gets back from whereever it is that he is
  4. nice to get out n the sun - lot of old pervs out tho
  5. haha yeah but he drive like grandpa round shitty (city) All that wasted power - makes me wanna cry!
  6. LOL @ Ross ..... whats the diff .... must be a crazy woman. Ivana Humpalot: U hairly like animal!
  7. im pretty lazy haha Sloth - laziest creature .... featured in Disney's Ice Age ...... Reminds me of Paul
  8. results of the test ..... 25% of Australians have slept with Shane Warne
  9. hahaha ..... the visions.....
  10. cool Ross - good luck - yeah if i had to share it would be with a couple of guys - dont get along with females specially in a small space like a house.
  11. LOL @ Dan ....thats funny shit - did he have a small one like i suspect? nah i was talking about Paul .... Ross ..... i said Sloth not Goth
  12. eeewww sharing - thats a disaster .... i spend 10 mins in my best mates house and i just cant stand her housemates. wheres Sloth this morning?
  13. haha thats ok mine no go either .... i cringe to think how much mine actually has - it'll be something disappointing for sure
  14. back from walking the streets of Perth Nice day out there ..... eaten my Le Snack 3 rice crackers and salsa .....
  15. going for a nice walk into perth - whore ya later
  16. ahhh k .... i thought you were guessing. Used to work for Toyota i was just going off how many autos were sold compared to manuals...... thats all.
  17. just the hoe here unfortunately ..... how was your weekend?
  18. in da house
  19. quite a few Hiaces come in Auto as well ...... could well be either. Autos are usually more popular than the Manual too so it may pay to check!
  20. im getting old micko - either that or Sloths (pwptf) laziness is rubbing off on me. Night.
  21. that movie sucks apparently...... well im going to bed cos i got work in morning ..... sleep well and sweet dreams peeps :angel: Hugs Lauren
  22. Just went into the maintenance section and theres about 5 different threads on oil ..... do people not do a search or collaborate the same question in the one thread or something ...... its getting slightly ridiculous.
  23. im finding the recovery period is slower these days tho (and im only 20) when i was 17 i could be out all night at a party drink a variety of stuff - go home feeling fine - then go out the night after and repeat the process. Now i have one hard night - feel like shit for two days and swear i'll never do it again
  24. i drank a whole bottle of black sambuca on an empty stomach one night ...... also a bad night :uh-huh:
  25. hullo micko :wavey: ..... yes im awake
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