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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Wacky Races is on Cartoon Network - havent seen that in ages ahhhh childhood memories yeah he was in dances with wolves - never seen it but heard it was the only decent movie he did
  2. yeah i like wine too - it just doesnt like me the morning after .....dont mix red wine, white wine and beer like i did Friday night - not a good mix!
  3. Whats the world coming to when Kate Blanchett gets a modelling contract and Kevin Costner gets a Hollywood Walk of Fame Star .... his movies suck!
  4. haha i reckon the salads probably taste shitter than the burgers - its good for soaking up alcohol on a big night out tho ..... i find maccas reduces my hangovers. ahhh R32 GTR's i cant afford one so i shall build a bridge and get over it!
  5. my car splutters in idle - its more of a wet fart sound
  6. agh real fat chick on TV in G-String .......*cringes* I will never eat choclate or maccas again after seeing that!
  7. haah bet paul was nah im fine - i had me recovery yesterday just feeling lazy. Yeah your exhaust sounds awes!
  8. yeah mine looks liek a homemade sucka too ..... im a bit worried it could be the cause of the way it is at the moment. oh thats right it was ladies day at MC haha find any hotties up there aidwin
  9. my cars hard to start at the moment - only first thing in mornings ..... i really gotta get rid of that dodgy bleeder of mine just need the money to buy an EBC.
  10. haha thanks Aidwin ....yeah it started raining heavily at 11am and i felt sorry for you guys .....only lasted a short while .... been cuddled up in front of TV all day with food and heater Saw your car yesterday Aidwin ....i thought of doing a swap ....but i thought you may notice haha
  11. aidwin its only good when im not there! Thats gotta say something!
  12. cant believe its 9:30!! thought it was about 8:30 tops! .... my weekend is slowly slipping away from me!
  13. that place has been going for ages now! oh well i'll just have to be content with custard!!
  14. awww junction icecream!! lucky! havent been there in ages - theres this choc nougat one i really like ...... hmm this is not good to talk about with a girl with a icecream/choclate craving haha and we got nothing sweet in the house apart from custard ..... i only have myself to blame tho - i did the shopping!!
  15. haha yeah kids are destructive to cars ..... well iwas .... on a trip to kalbarri my parents thought "geez laurens been quiet this whole trip" when they got there - i had picked most of the tinting off the back window. Then i rubbed my Mars bar into their Jeeps roof that they only picked up a couple of weeks beforehand.
  16. wow sounds like its all go then ....everybodies getting new turbos n stuff haha i feel all left out ....i struggle to reinsure mine! theres another mod you cant forget ......... a baby seat
  17. cya .....yeah im alternating being tele and net .... may go have a shower since theres no one to play with now.
  18. ugh sounds like it was pretty down hill for him!! Flat batteries my friend left her hyundai excel lights on at a train station ......so called upon me at 7pm at night to come help her get her car started ...... then had to call another on eof her friends cos i wasnt jumping it from my car! - three girls on the side of the road you wouldve thought someone wouldve helped anyway i got the car started after a while.
  19. trying to think of a witty comeback....... nup i have no reply to that one and i think those mental pictures are going to not go away easily!!
  20. Denver you go to Wanners today?
  21. see ya Sub .... haha Denver when you do one for me Rob havent had much luck with your panels!
  22. hey they interviewed a female Indy car driver on foxtel today ....didnt know there was any females in that kinda sport ..... and she was kicking butt on the track!!
  23. well if it aint the peelie master himself .....Denver
  24. i feel like chocolate or icecream ..... but i dont have any ...thats probably a good thing! i used to polish my cars every weekend but i just got sick of driving them out the next day to get rained upon and all my hard work go to waste!!
  25. those bendix ultimate pads really make a mess of ya rims ..... my mags are just covered in brake dust!
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