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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha black beauty was meant to get washed today ..... but it didnt happen ....so it more of a dirty grey beauty at the moment mmmm dinner ..... im hungry but nothing in the fridge appeals to me to eat ..... hate that!
  2. hey spec2
  3. they drove it to this real dodge carpark!! im legend now am i .... going to be real disappointed haha well i think aidwin wants to catch up with me soon as well - maybe we should all go out for a couple of drinks one night soon?
  4. yeah thought it was Wilzlee going but i thought i would just tease you about as well haha trust me you didnt miss much TV wouldve probably been way better!
  5. yeah they were really nice cops hey .... but yeah they mentioned how nice my car was a couple of times and i told them it was the reason i only had three demirit points left and they laughed so it was all good but when i got to my friends house i had to get something outta my car and i bashed my shoulder on the door and now i have a big bruise on my arm ..... think it was the cars punishment for letting a copper drive it
  6. sounds good haha stayed away from the Globe i hope
  7. haha just watching Snoop Doggs 12 step guide to quitting weed on MTV phucking funny as ...... Step 4 ..... donate your stash to charity (drug rehab centre) haha
  8. haha did you go out or get smashed at home? ive been so lazy today ....dont nothing but eat and watch TV haha nauti of me so many things i shouldve done .....oh well! should've, would've, could've .....but didnt
  9. hey Sub Thought i was all in here by my lonesome Hows your weekend been?
  10. yeah coppers had a little too much fun when they had to drive mine on Friday night made several comments it was a nice car and one copper said to the other one that went and parked it - that it was a nice ride.
  11. cant ride a motorcycle in the wet Riaz .... well ya can but at your own risk haha worse than me .....better than paul Got my hair chopped off ........ ahhh low maintenance (its just below my ears ..... should be back down to my shoulders by the time for autosalon tho .... and it'll be a lot more healthier than it was
  12. hey aidwin - awwwwww how come everytime i go its mediocre so i decided to stay home and it turned out good Hey Shaggs, too lazy today - had enough adventures for one weekend Nice to see you back Russ.
  13. Sounds like Nostalgic haha quite often see him cruising round beach way. Ive been so lazy this weekend ..... so much to do but no motorvation.
  14. we get back to mels house- was only spose to drink the wine and just watch movies or something but her housemates were going out to the Lookout ..... so we ended up sculling the bottle of wine and comming ...... after a lot more drinks - i found out that red wine, white wine and beer just really dont mix too good .... and went to sit down on the couch but i fell asleep and the girls left me by myself .... apparently according to the surfy guys next to me i had been out to it for about 30 mins ..... and three bouncers were standing around me trying to wake me up ..... eventually i woke up and they told me if i didnt keep awake i would be kicked out .... i just wanted to go home -had no idea here everyone was they just left me there passed out anything couldve happened!! But i felt fine after my little sleep .... talking to the guys next to me and they couldnt believe that i only had alcohol cos apparently the bouncers were shaking me pretty hard haha and once i woke up i was fine and talkative and it was all good. Eventually mel came back and i told her to grab chantelle etc cos i really want to leave and *eventually* they did. Had Maccas on the way home woke up this morning feeling a little dodge but fine .......... so im now off to pay my insurance and do the shopping. Have a good day peeps.
  15. hello all, wow that was right up there in my dodgy nights. Coming back from Subi pub n dinner and 3 glasses of red wine - i run into a booze bus ... so i get breath tested and i was over but not by much ..... so i get put in the booze bus - copper jumps in the car that my friend Mel was still in (and had to quickly cover the bottle of wine sitting in front of her) and with a big grin on his face drives it off and parks it (dont know why i almost couldnt get it started this morning POS but thats another story) so im sitting in bus chatting to the officer that tested me .....talking about everything -reaaally nice guy and if he was about 8 years mmmm younger yummy actually all the copper guys were pretty hot .... so we chatted for a while then he tested me again ... i was still the same - he goes its just probably residue still left in your mouth cos your last drink was only 20mins ago .... so we chatted some more ..... then took me in to see anyther officer which gave me the final test .... dont pass this one i get an infringement ... haha the copper asked me how many points i had left on my license i said "three" which he raised an eyebrow at me and i go "Well i drive a fast car" .... and he laughed. Tested me again and i was under so they let me go no fines, no demerits, no yellow sticker .... it all was pretty cool actually they were a good bunch of guys. then ....
  16. ross where ya been?
  17. back sorry been doing *gulp* work.
  18. yeah Alan specially when they are a boring old Commodore with CMEDRIFT on the number plates - i wanted to see it attempt to Drift
  19. but they arent old .... specially andrew - soon as you get in the door you would trip over the skateboard .... the playstation 2 and the surf board haha. Just big kids
  20. Holdens dont disturb me Sub - they make me laugh
  21. because i dont get much attention from guys that are my age .... and when i do - they just piss me off haha ..... why should i narrow the selection for the sake of some friggin social rule that noone even gives a shit about anymore - as long as they are in their 20's i dont care
  22. nup havent seen them
  23. Bel - i dont go for guys at the other side of the country - whether your ugly or not remains to be seen - dont be so hard on yaself!!
  24. no opposite Brett - completely Opposite ..... Level 2's here (which is what i am but im casual) Earn 27K+ you have flexi days off as well as your normal holidays etc .... but you are only employed for 3 - 6months at a time then they'll decide whether to keep you or not - and a lot of people here are going thru the process of reapplying for their jobs
  25. Bel: i still work at DoIR but i work for a different division - and yes im so much happier but im only here til i go to Adelaide
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