hello all,
wow that was right up there in my dodgy nights. Coming back from Subi pub n dinner and 3 glasses of red wine - i run into a booze bus ... so i get breath tested and i was over but not by much ..... so i get put in the booze bus - copper jumps in the car that my friend Mel was still in (and had to quickly cover the bottle of wine sitting in front of her) and with a big grin on his face drives it off and parks it (dont know why i almost couldnt get it started this morning POS but thats another story) so im sitting in bus chatting to the officer that tested me .....talking about everything -reaaally nice guy and if he was about 8 years mmmm younger yummy actually all the copper guys were pretty hot .... so we chatted for a while then he tested me again ... i was still the same - he goes its just probably residue still left in your mouth cos your last drink was only 20mins ago .... so we chatted some more ..... then took me in to see anyther officer which gave me the final test .... dont pass this one i get an infringement ... haha the copper asked me how many points i had left on my license i said "three" which he raised an eyebrow at me and i go "Well i drive a fast car" .... and he laughed. Tested me again and i was under so they let me go no fines, no demerits, no yellow sticker .... it all was pretty cool actually they were a good bunch of guys.
then ....