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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. hmm sound a bit liek a teeny bopper try hard drifta that seems to be invading in the hundreds..... but u know im not liek that
  2. yeah but i just do it cos i get a kick out of it ..... i dont need to justify it to myself thing is compared to you guys im slow but theres not much that has taken me on the streets that i cant chop - i just get crap cars that want to be idiots like Hyundai Accents with gay drift wings and rollaboyz stickers haha and the miodified exhaust that sounded more like a constipated bee than a growl .... i just cant help myself and even when theres nothing to chop just find it fun to see how fast i can get off the line when the lights turn green - how fast i can take on that roundabout haha ...... try and beat my best time home .... just in my blood or something i guess
  3. yeah i know but i hate the thought they they go away thinking - i beat a Skyline - when you werent even trying - so i just chop them so there is no doub tin their minds that they didn twin
  4. LOL @ Brett - nice cover Once upon a time there was a Skyline in the small town of Perthania ...... And they chopped the commordore and the imports all ived happily ever after .....
  5. i aint keeping my mesh when my cooler goes in ..... aint paying all that money to hide it behind mesh
  6. haha try 170km lately been really nauti!! gotta straighten up or im going lose my license!! yeah Alex i know - but i kinda someone that likes to have enough money cos for some reason things start to get complicated with my car .... e.g brake pades .... then next thing i know i need the lines replaced as well ....
  7. it snapped completely thru but sat on the caliper in such a way the fluid didnt leak much and still go through ........ apparently im a vERY lucky girl. specially the way i tend to drive!!
  8. haha did you find out that my brake cable has snapped in half!! i just recently got brakes done -my discs are fine just needed machining um badly!
  9. oh well not much of a choice haha ..... ive basically done all i can mechanically so i think it decided to chuck its wing off just to fustrate me .... my car is evil tell ya .... i think its a girl cos it can be a total bitch sometimes
  10. i know i know .... bloody 3K on tyres and suspension since i got it ...... another 1K on servicing ...... 4K that wouldve been FMIC and Zorst money with probably enough left over for an EBC ..... make me angry!
  11. im pretty lucky cos i dont have that many white chips the stones seem to hit the grill bit (where intercooler one day is too sit) .... and the bottom of the grill has become unstuck and needs to be reglued down. i need to get the packaging tape sticky off where i went a bit over excited with it on the rear - looks like im going to have to replace that GTS25T badge on the back too
  12. yeah i cracked my front spoiler big time yesterday morning on the way out of my parents business driveway its not too bad - but it aint too good either.
  13. mmm GTR :drooling:
  14. ahhhh thats right .... Lauren puts zorst n FMIC thoughts outta her head when she remembers the state of her rear spoiler *sigh* i gotta make a visit to the spoiler shop too - but i probably wont til i have a permanent job!
  15. thanks Alex will do ..... jash will hopefully do it cheap for me otherwise. morning brett gotta go pay bloody insurance on saturday morning .....broke lauren 2 weeks til my last day too ..... yes my new last day - god knows how many "last days" ive had in this place!!
  16. cool what intercooler you going? zorst n cooler are on my list as next as well as EBC - that dodgy bleed valve of mine i wouldnt be surprised would be causing a few hassles with my car - i could be wrong but that thing is so homemade and dodge i need to replace it ASAP.
  17. back from where exactly Dan?
  18. mmmm someones missus made mini chockie eclairs and they are so delish!!!
  19. haha fair enough that poor eh? car mods going ot have to be put on hold for a while??
  20. haha thats why you need a closet ....we used to chuck it all just in there .... i didnt have much. I did most of the organising when we moved to Como - the ex wouldnt put anything anywhere without me telling him where to put it ..... its like i dont care just chuck it anywhere. Yeha we used the truck from my parents buisness his bro drove it. ahhh well its all good fun so whens the housewarming
  21. so there will be another skyline round belmont eh? i see a white one every morning to work but thats it.
  22. haha lucky you with a crazed stressed woman moving is fun tho its unpacking that pisses me off!
  23. haha i miss como for the same reason so moving this weekend? or just preparing too? missus excited or just stressed with all the organisation?
  24. we try haha nah just what im used too ...... i no like skimpy dingy pubs Not as posho as the Onyx hehe ..... that was funny that night i went there - my ex went off with his slaesrep mates so i made friends with this chick and she was there with a Male model mate of hers haha an di was just talking to him wasnt flirting or nothing and my ex gets me in the car afterwards and goes "What you doing talking to Skivvy boy?" haha he was jealous as. But thats posh theres always footy players etc in there.
  25. you can do it put your back into it alls good - even for a friggin gloomy day - looking forward to beer o'clock down the subi pub
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