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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. wilzee .....i work i cant afford a skyline and uni LOL at aidwins submarine idea ...... have you seen that thing? its bright yellow - all he needs is the gay rainbow sticker on the back maybe he'll get attached to it and keep it and put a drift wing on the back hahaha you guys cant miss aidwins car .....its Sexxxyyyy .... only black skyline more sexier than my own haha
  2. hey Alan .... wow u guys all go to same uni eh? .... feel like odd one out
  3. awww ken your laving me for the sopranos cool aidwin ....be good to catch up!! ahhh wilzee .... usually when i see the globe its punks n goths and generally weird people - maybe they are trying to attract a new variety of people now - which they really need too!! Kyles - cool where is he off too?
  4. yeah make it at a pub after 4pm ....we'll all get smashed and the creativity will follow shortly after Rivervale is similar to como - makes some good food too
  5. u guys go to globe? dodge! spec2 ... yup the more the merrier
  6. Sure am - just dont sell that car!!! .... not until ive got the money for it anyway haha haha *ken and niz half way across border .... ooops ken just realsied we forgot to pick paul n lumpy up oh well!! *
  7. Friday - drinks after work with Mel probably at Subiaco Pub mmmm young men in suits :drooling: Saturday - dunno know yet paul was muttering something about something a rather *shrugs* Sundya - Might get in contact with a friend i aint seen in a while although rather hard person to get in contact with so maybe i'll just spend the rest of the day paintin my brake calipers and cooking garlic prawns
  8. hey Kyles
  9. LOL @ ken .....hunt away i only said that to get their attention and it worked Aidwin ....what you up to for weekend?
  10. my mums makes me drink i tell ya ..... her and her bloody red wine ....mmmm tempting ..... my family only went thru two and a half bottles tonight
  11. thats what i figured Ken haha my ex told me if we ever had kids it would be straight onto the bottle .... he would get jealous if he had to share for too long men hmmm intersting topic of convo i have going ere
  12. nice double post ken
  13. aghhh dont mention insurance ....mum and i been shopping around ....sample of one ocnvo Guy: How long has your daughter been driving turbo cars? Mum: since before she got her license Guy: Why the hell do you let her drive such high powerered cars? Mum: Im sorry i didnt realise i had rung the police station *hangup* Did paulie say my boobies are nice ....awww how sweet never tells me that - although they are usually the first thing he latches hold too so i guessed he probably likes them haha
  14. yeah havent been in a rental car but worked for car delaership ..... the stories i have to tell you wsill NEVER by a car from caryard again *Reps getting drunks and kicking panels in/ smashing glass *Burnouts in cars *Bumper cars in the lot car - if anothr rep is in front of them at the lights they'll repeatedly ram the car in front * Pot getting smoked in the cars ...... cars boots also filled with ice n alcohol and turned into portable eskys * cars parts getting transferred into their girlfriends cars ....hehe thats where my nismo strut braces ....amps and subs have come from *turbos blown on Wrxs etc * i got really drunk one night and chundered in one of the wrxs .... couldnt reach a piece of ham under the seat to clean so left it there ..... appropriately a copper bought that car!! Thats just the car ....... pissed off reps have gone to make their clients a cup of coffee and rubbed their dicks around the rims of the glass beforeit gets served. My ex had an accident in one and wrote off the vehicle ..... he told the boss that drunken abos had stepped out in front of him and he had to swerve to miss them .... hmmmm yeah and the boss bought it! and thats a reputable dealership ...... hate to imagine what happens in the dodge ones!!!
  15. WHAT THA???? eh??? not going nowhere! i can thav my plates in any other state but thanks for the kind words Joe ....... and saying my boobies are nice
  16. im sure i did!! the SA guys said i did at one stage - they were poking the piss outt me for it anyway home time. later. :grouphug: to Brett :shake: to Paul
  17. fine - no boobs for you then
  18. OI!! i had 13,000 posts why is it now 12,000???
  19. hehe funny Telliman banana song on radio ...
  20. no he's not scared of me - he just knows how to be a gentleman!! him and Cam ... paul .... you can learn a lot off both of them!!
  21. well how come you leave my house then i know - i got boobs and you dont so there haha!! Hi brett - bye Brett - hometime now ..... well should really work til 5 cos i didnt get in til 11 today ..... hmmm nah cant be buggered i'll just take my stupid spluttering car home now!
  22. become a Government worker haha i work for the department of industry and resources .... deals with the oil n gas industry in WA mainly
  23. i can see your talking about me n my tanries .... i hope you all get recarnated as women!!! been talking cars with a work collegue - managed to waste an hour go home in 4 minutes and kristen has gone home so im going to change this JJJ shite!
  24. gtg
  25. paul, has ken still going to have his GTR .......? his face Gus haha he's starting to like the "macka look"
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