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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. slow morning this morning.
  2. so nice to have an office and be back with my old team!! Morning Snyps
  3. typing .......
  4. brett long time no speak hun - how are you?
  5. moooorning Mr Zanda is it the weekend yet? RAc still havent refunded my bloody money GRRRRR
  6. i take it your not bringing ya missus then Alex Kyles and i went material shopping last weekend ..... and we cant find the material we want at this stage .... not that im fussy or anything haha. So girls outfits havent gone far yet.
  7. haha Al had the same kinda thing with my ex ..... everytime I said something about him coming to close to an object etc i got a barrage of "Yeah i see it errr dont you trust my driving etc" So we were coming back from Manjimup in a work WRX one day ....also pulling out of KFC and there was this van in front of us .... and he was getting to close to the back of this van and i was deciding whether to say something or not and i thought "phuck it everytime i do he makes me feel stupid" soooo he went straight into the back of the van ........ crumbled the bonnet so it would no longer latch!!! We found some wire and tied the bonnet down for the trip back as best as we could but everytime a truck zoomed past the other way you were kinda on the edge of your seat ..... is the bonnet going to fly up is it going to hold? as soon as we got back we had to take it to a dodgy panel beater to get it fixed asap to go back into the dealership .... it was a bodgy job - the boss noticed but didnt know who to pin the blame on.
  8. you want the girls there too?
  9. i wont get in til about 11 tommorrow myself
  10. noones here - u know govt .... no one gets here til about 9 -9:30 Main reason i get here at 8 Thanks for the tickets Ken ..... managed to make it with plenty of time to spare haha
  11. Italian Job (movie) was good .... very disappointed the marky walhberg has lost his looks tho .... man he's now got some wrinkles!! hasnt he heard of botox?
  12. Yeah Hyundai Accents with Big Gay wing and Rollaboyz stickers splashed all over it :bahaha:
  13. my mum wants to fly me to an island or something to get married cos she doesnt want to have to invite my dads family haha
  14. but how else you going to have the Denver family racing team im going to train my kids to destroy their grandparents holden stuff and make it look accidental ..... yes they shall be my secret army *evil laugh*
  15. yeah ive seen some crazy shit too haha .... yeah i would imagine the honeymoon wouldnt be too crash hot .... hmmm some people some things seem to enhance and some people reckon it doesnt so i guess it all depended on them haha i saw one guy in this white jumpsuit and goggles take the goggles off and spray eucalyptus up his nose but he got it in his eye instead ..... so i pointed out that maybe he shouldve left the goggles on haha. its funny when at belmont park your trying to find your car!!! haha you could be out htere for a good two hours specially when its a black holden SS .... and they all look the same
  16. yeah paul - mel and i were discussing this last night .... it makes our legs bigger etc cos it turns the fat into muscle which makes it more bulkier so i need to strip the fat then turn whats left into muscle
  17. haha YEP i was there for that one!!! NOT a place i would be getting married ..... although i think my ex thought it was a great idea haha.
  18. no no he takes the hawaiian shirt off to jog thats the scary thing!! yeah literally every day he wears this shirt!
  19. is it me or did the convo just die
  20. maqn least i dont have to see him swim!! Him jogging around the front with his shirt off is really disturbing ..... old man skin on show ........ *niz shudders*
  21. haha hey denver ..... yeah pity they dont hold Ministry at Belmont Park anymore that was awes!! Yeah wouldve been perfect to go to madhatters this weekend cos my folks are away ..... give me plenty of time to recover before they get home hehe
  22. well that would be the reason u never get any emails.
  23. Madhatters ball on this weekend ..... too late notice to go tho .... the crew have decided to go to Ministry in late October instead.
  24. hungry still - phucking rabbit food never fills ya up. ive gotta go soon ..... boss comming back from swimming ...
  25. ive sent messages before just get two word boring replies.
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