haha Al had the same kinda thing with my ex ..... everytime I said something about him coming to close to an object etc i got a barrage of "Yeah i see it errr dont you trust my driving etc"
So we were coming back from Manjimup in a work WRX one day ....also pulling out of KFC and there was this van in front of us .... and he was getting to close to the back of this van and i was deciding whether to say something or not and i thought "phuck it everytime i do he makes me feel stupid" soooo he went straight into the back of the van ........ crumbled the bonnet so it would no longer latch!!! We found some wire and tied the bonnet down for the trip back as best as we could but everytime a truck zoomed past the other way you were kinda on the edge of your seat ..... is the bonnet going to fly up is it going to hold? as soon as we got back we had to take it to a dodgy panel beater to get it fixed asap to go back into the dealership .... it was a bodgy job - the boss noticed but didnt know who to pin the blame on.