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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. you dont HAVE to see me paul haha im never sure when i knock off so 6 is about the best i can do .... yesterday didnt go home til just after 5.
  2. you never reply to your emails so i stopped bothering. i get about 20 private emails a day.
  3. its cool enjoy ya roast dinner .... give ken big kiss from me probably need to get my fat arse down the gym more anyway.
  4. Erin still sick ..... *hugs* My work email is playing up so i cant receive outside emails til they get it sorted - Doh!
  5. bit of a rush ..... i can really only be at your house by 6 .... maybe probably better if you guys had boys night by yaselves anyway.
  6. paul, if you can get me a ticket easily i would liek to see it if not dun stress if i dont here from you by 6:30 i'll head off to the gym instead agh all the salmons gone and now im just left with rabbit food ... doh!
  7. salmon and salad
  8. well might go see if downstairs have any decent soup today .... then might browse on Reiwa site for rental places ..... wouldnt mind place of my own at the moment
  9. yeah you will do once shes got other aspects of life sorted too Adelaide will help - holiday break cos ive got another week off once i come back too .... this position seems to have been created for me so if i make myself invalubale i'll probably have a job to come back to after.
  10. jap sucks - rather salad .... in fact rather prawn roll like yesterday but too fattening *sigh* ...... considering what an utterly horrible day it is i might go soup!
  11. slowbies. oh well ...... salad for lunch - anyone feel sorry for me
  12. i meant windows 2000 - outlook has been out before the dawn of time - so boring learning stuff you basically already know!
  13. well that was a waste of four hours of my life aghhh!! stoopid compulsary training - i mean outlook has only been out 3 years!!!
  14. gtg training .... have fun without me later!
  15. i dont know yet ...... i'll find something to do
  16. think i might get my hair chomped this weekend. yeah i miss driving manuals .... this one is a Ford Focus .... its the only manual in our fleet and my old now new bosses car ... he's taking it down south so he needs it vacumed .... i dun mind - gets me out of the office.
  17. sorry just had to prepare ministerial - got ten mins to spare before training if ya still around.
  18. anyway got training etc talk t you later.
  19. haha you look like ya fully booked anyway hun i get to drive manual car today - first time in like 8 months so its going to be interesting experience!!
  20. with what?
  21. then again i may get told off for speeling shit like QLD did .... but i cant whore for rest of day .... i'll be locked in a basement .... with ugly people and a computer
  22. maybe since i started i sohuld just see if i can finish a page.
  23. went to gym last night :drooling: hot new recruits mmmm
  24. ever get the feeling your alone
  25. oh and i got paid yesterday and should get paid again on Wednesday gone from no money to more money than i know what to do with haha got to go on insurance tho
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