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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. folks go away on Friday :Party: cant wait ..... just gotta organise some mischeif to get myself into .... shouldnt be too hard
  2. in training all day today
  3. gentry ..... hmmmm
  4. you may remember that i said we were changing over email systems .... half the building has one system .... half the building has the other ..... i am only on the old system but have a computer that takes the new system and its all a big old mess but should have email in about 2 days. Its great being back with my old team ....... Hawaiian shirt wearing boss who has my principle .... the only two things i need on my computer are email and net haha ..... got a bit more work and yeah just at this stage a more pleasant environment.
  5. well noones really talking to me - so im going to find something better to do - have a good day all.
  6. RAV4 is probably cheapest your going to get without cheap n nasty .... not a bad little car Other recommendation - 2 door pajero or Grand Vitara
  7. just one of those ocmmercial stations you hate .... but doesn tplay hippy shite like JJJ. hey Cam - yeah to think i was suppose to be home bludging today .... least my office is next to window so im not in the dark anymore! Hey Ross :grouphug:
  8. yeah but theres a lot of pointless posts go on not just in QLD - i agree it was worse in QLD than any other state.
  9. i have a radio :rave:
  10. haha aidwin ....same place as before .... my last 15mins at work on Friday my old boss from my first job here asked that i come fill vacancy here why someones on holidays - they are away for month but i said i could only do 3 weeks cos of Adelaide.
  11. hey aidwin
  12. QLD is still without a wasteland right miss talking to them .....
  13. dont know what happened - computer chucked a spak. bored ....
  14. yeah kym same place ive given up asking for stickers thats good paul cos now i cant take ya to belmont park anyway.
  15. yeah kym same place ive given up asking for stickers thats good paul cos now i cant take ya to belmont park anyway.
  16. its big so its cool.... the chick im doing job for 3 weeks
  17. hey sloth how are you
  18. once again start new job with no one here to teach me.......
  19. morning - new office - YES an office!! i have to share tho
  20. no email bad internet good
  21. yeah now i got work tommmorrow .... bye bye sleep in
  22. Well i thought there was no point startig a new thread ..... and since me and Dan used to work at the same place its pretty relevant. As you all know after many contract renewals my time at the Department of Industry and Resources was due to finish today ..... i was prepared for a lesiurely week or two off (ok a VERY budgeted two weeks off) temp etc til Adelaide. Department of Industry and Resources said good bye to me today .... gave me a pressie last week had another piss up for lunch today ....... so staggering back to the office i get in the elevator and my old boss (ive been thru a couple at my time there) comes up to me and very sternly says "Lauren i need to see you - could you step into my office" thinking 'Shit what have i done now!!!' I do so ....... He offers me a job with his team (leaving the other team im not enjoying it with! yay) til i go to Adelaide .... so here i am trying to accept the job and look intelligent but half tanked and breath smelling of wine haha so unfortunately theres no break for me ....... fortunately im earning money for the intercooler fund!! So i thougt i would just share my good luck with you all - and all the people i promised to get around to seeing on my time off .... sorry no rest for the wicked i guess Niz
  23. have a good weekend peoples .... phuck i got work on moday PHUCK! anyway later .... wine is being served
  24. alex I HERE YA .... about to have another piss up myself - and man i can hardly drive home as it is!! well Ross i told the IT guy and he went - Phuck them Phuck them all ...... so i guess i'll give an Amen to him
  25. alex been pissing it up as much as me ....... ive got drinks in 10 mins as well and im alreqady incomprhenisble!!
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