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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. i'll probably be without a computer after lunch
  2. get stuffed bake your own phucking cake i aint ya missus!!
  3. so what to do now......
  4. haha smelly. Least he didnt have mucus dripping from his beard like an old geezer on the train - disgusting.
  5. you'd give me my own way Kym *batts eyelids* trust me i know more about computers than more dorks i have ever worked with. Besides telling a person to switch off the computer and switch it back on when something goes wrong and downloading drift clips all day like our IT guys do is hardly rocket science. haha Train - i caught one of those this week when my car was outta commission ..... what a cultural experience that was!! how many freaks they can cram into a tiny space is amazing ..... i even think i saw boy george
  6. i quite often see the tail end of your car shooting up to hay st in the morning Kym. Theres a lot of sighing going on.
  7. must admit i miss working in a mostly male proffession .... mmm eye candy & me getting my own way .... too many chicks here!!
  8. haha nice to have you whoring for once kymbo. you got a cruisy day? most female bosses ive had are either suspiously lesbo looking and more man than women or sex crazed old girls tha tlike to regale every detail of their weekends exploits. Never had a good looking male boss.
  9. @ Dan Visions of a kilt spring to mind and that little leather pouch that sits on the front of the kilt .... dirtee haha What do u do for a living ..... female impersonator
  10. the one thats gone to canberra was a real perv ..... you would stand in his office and his eyes would wander everywhere but your face - it was so noticeable it got really uncomfortable so ive stopped wearing skirts that dont got to at least my knees and started dressing a bit more prudish.
  11. you know that movie with Adam Sandler .... Mr Deeds .... and the butler .... Mr Very Very Sneaky .... his dude reminds me of him ... he's indian and hes the only person i can thear come up behind me.
  12. i burnt bridges with Chamer of Commerce - that was funny. We soooo did not get along. Lock ya boss up day? its hard when he's in Canberra ..... Mr sneaky is here tho.
  13. we have worst cafeteria in world! Sausage roll partially cold and they way over charge and ran out of tomato sauce cant get any til next week!!
  14. feel free to talk me out of it - anybody? going for anothe rpiss up at lunch - smaller one .... but this time we are going right behind my best mates work so ive invited her .... least i'll have someone i like there this time
  15. still contemplating that nauti breakfast .......
  16. This is the last time I get to look upon your absolutely awesome body and spectacular aura. I am so sad. ^some people i work with have issues i tell ya!
  17. yeah she is ..... i mean who cares if i leave it to final notice to pay my bills - they are my bills not hers and i cant pay them all this week cos i didnt get paid this week !!
  18. Ross we had piss up last friday - cos it was Hollies last day that day and jen and i are leaving today so they had it in one go .... haha me n sue didnt get bakc to work til 4:10 last friday and we were pretty pissed .... i shouldnt of driven home really - that was a bit nauti.
  19. thanks Paul LOL @ Ross .... getting an old bugger eh? *jk* ahhhh is it beer o'clock yet. Mym um was grumpy after her bender last night this morning - she yelled at me cos shes sticking her noses into my finances and telling me to grow up and looking at her last night - she needs to grow up not me!!
  20. would i be a fat bitch if i went and got a suausage roll
  21. doh i missed the morning rush ..... everyone come in ..... everyone exits
  22. ok paul chat later - dont crack the whip on the kiddies too hard Morning Ross and Dan how are we this morning?!!! This is my last day in prison WOOOOHHHHOOOOOOOOOO
  23. talk to me somebody ..... new lady nice (well one is the others bossy!) but i wish she would leave me alone to whore.
  24. ooooh yeah! :) i have a feeling im going to have to do work today tho even tho i dun wanna!!
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