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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. where do you find all these little pictures - you must do a lot of surfing.
  2. :alcoholic:
  3. haha Alex - very 10 minutes from now.
  4. :jump:
  5. hey alex .....
  6. :Party:
  7. Fine - will celebrate by myself then biatches. :rave:
  8. Well i did try Joe on a couple of occasions just so you could say you've been in one
  9. beauty pagent for cars ..... hmmmm
  11. dont worry wrong thread sorry ..... Night :wavey:
  12. Ray Martins Toupee
  13. my bed time too - sorry kyles ..... speak to you later ..... night all :hugs:
  14. haha RB20 probably got some competition there with my car .... but she's not being entered anyway. Kyles and i are getting together saturday to discuss girls gear.
  15. yeah thats fine sms me your address. see ya liz
  16. we still on for saturday kyles?
  17. what you guys up to tonight? Cameltoe Lattes?
  18. yeah the drift day is 31st thats a sudnay so i dont think people wanna be hungover for that ..... what about the 6th ..... weekend before we got to SA!
  19. why are u blushing - i think theres some story ive still got to get outta you on that one but i'll leave it to a more private convo!! Russ is lurking ...... get back to packing ya gimp!!
  20. haha Liz ...... will scott be coming eh? Gus will probs.
  21. yay denvers coming as well .... haha should be huge.
  22. bye denver nah paulie ownt wanna go - he likes to be in bed by about 1am .... and hates nightclubs .... remember the sulk he pulled at Sluggers that time? well nothings changed. Cam, aidwin, Brett .... maybe macka if he wants to come - he'll be wors ethan us tho!! haha
  23. haha but its funny how she thinks that the "peelie" is the b all and end all of her relationship!!
  24. spagda .... how did that come about?
  25. haha always knew you were sad Denver .... well thats what paul keeps telling me anyway *jk*.... u would be pleased to know i stick up for you ok we'll take my phone next time .... but ive got way too many numbers in there haha! i could get into a LOT of trubble!! Stalk him next time Liz
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