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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. haha denver come back. I think no n00bs use whoretown cos they come in see what the hell ive bee talking about and leave straight away with these people are sickos running thru their minds! yeah our benders are so much fun ..... gotta add a few more people to my dirty sms list
  2. haha a peelie must require talent - maybe she should write a book "how to pull the perfect peelie a 400 page manual"
  3. when you come back from singas Liz ..... we'll have another of those nights go see a two buck peep show ... make sur ethat bitch works for her money haha!!
  4. how did you enjoy the cruise Friday Denv? haha Liz sounds liek that mag is a wealth of information maybe should start buying it
  5. no offence guys but i take my car over them both *shurgs*
  6. your lady ever doen a peelie for you Denver? haha
  7. haha i forgot the peelie sLiz cant believ ei did that ..... oh well need something for tommorrows topic Denver - post a pic us ladies will judge hun!!
  8. haha Denver .... what you doing to that poor car ... why i wont come play motorsport with ya .... turns ya cars into bunkies!! it had the lot Liz: Sex, Dicks and size, midgets, orgies haha you wouldve been impressed
  9. sounds liek a great opportunity Liz .... also Curtin uni or Tech in Sarawak Malaysia may be able to help you?
  10. apparently been busted for a little while they said by looking at them .... i went there for a brake pad change and a machine cos they were vibrating so badly!! .... actually so badly they had to get them machined off premises cos theirs wasnt heavy duty enough to handle job haha
  11. haha you been reading back paul ..... i though todays talk was rather entertaining myself .... i think i out did myself on that one
  12. not bad thanks - my brakes are fixed one of my brake lines were snapped completely in two but sat on such a way on the caliper that i didnt leak fluid too bad and imstill alive so its all good ...... guys kept on repeating what a lucky girl i was!! whats the job for Liz?
  13. i'll do mine monday not that its goin to be anything thrilling Mum told me off to leaving my parking fines on final notice - ihow wa si to know it reflect son her credit rating *shrugs*
  14. denver :grouphug: how ya been babe?
  15. single would be easier .....is it more laggy or less gonig single .... i get confused oh well im jealous nice shiny new more powerful turbo would be awesome!! No probs just dont backseat drive and nobody will get hurt btw paul my mum says she hasnt had 'the pleasure' from you yet haha
  16. i'll take you but im assuming you wanna go with on eof the boys - cam or alex would probably be willing. thoguht you were going twin turbo set up?
  17. slow or is it me?
  18. no sunday for you? well in passengers seat i guess micko taking you. Is that part of oil reason ..... so one week ... what sit having done in that time?
  19. my mum is spewing in the toilet - she came home pissed .... apparently parked acroos two lanes of traffic and tried to touch my dads car as he went past ........ then came home started drinking again - i had a couple of glasses with her now .... she's in the loo
  20. well guys in the words of Austin Powers "im spent" home time for me - last day tommorrow ..... so i expect you all here supporting me Have a good night all .... may be on tonight :grouphug:
  21. thats very true Phil - that it is.
  22. um no im on top according to post count Phil
  23. yeah Ross but i must admit it wasnt as nearly as good for as their first single: Coworkers - Bitching & Backstabbing Remix.MP3
  24. threesome ..... two guys and a girl .... i can handle that .... whore away boys .... im ready nah i used to be able to when worked with cars - but Pete kept switching it to AM
  25. Now Playing: Coworkers - The whinging sounds.mp3
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