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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. :lol: @ Exit Laugh at visions of Joe in a pink coloured Toyota Echo ....... all he'll need is to dress it up in feather boas ... like they did to the gay boys one on 'The Block'
  2. DC's? Drum Club?? yeah last time i was there was my 19th Bday but i was too sick to care trying to control a crazy off his face boyfriend ..... so my memories of the place arent that good.
  3. eeek not good ..... my cars such a slug at the moment .... feel lime im driving a commonwhore gonna leave it til i save up a couple of grand then go see Jash and see what miracles he can perform on it. But i must admit its gone thru going thru about 2 -3 tanks ( 3 on a cruise week) of fuel a week .... to one tank of fuel on a cruise week!! Why all of sudden is the fuel economy got good???
  4. not my idea Mel's housemates who i dare not argue with cos they get in a huffy...... they wanted to go Metros RnB Superclub first off and i put my foot down about that .... we only went there a couple of weekends ago. Must admit theres good eye candy in Freo tho
  5. going to metros freo Sat night if ya want something to do Weather on Sunday is suppose to be beaut
  6. Meet at City West at 10 - 10:30 (check events thread not sure) .... maps handed out on the day but we are ending up in john forest nat park for BBQ lunch BYO meat n beer. depends how i feel after saturday night whether i go or not .... but i went to dardenup cruise and i was trashed .... although i had somebody to drive otherwise i might not of survived haha.
  7. sorry looking at other threads - but im done now im having major gym fest on my days off cos i have been lazy lately!! Plus i wont eat as much when im at home. Sweet so you coming on Sunday?
  8. sleepy hey guess what kiddo!!! 2 more days to go .... :) You got weekend in perth or still off to bond with your workmates in the middle of nowhere?
  9. morning Richard *stretch* *yawn* :zzz:
  10. anyway im off shopping on Ebay for something .... i'll talk to you later
  11. haha yeah a lot of people been getting in trouble lately .... have to donate money to keep the mods happy so if i do do something stupid (more than likely) they'll overlook it yeah well life hasnt been excitement central here either.
  12. Bel hows like without QLD whoreville?
  13. wasnt there photos of that one Nizman? I remember seeing a photo of the QLD guys cars laying upside down in a canefield.
  14. said i only had one accident - in three years of driving i dont think is that bad Everyone has close calls dont they? haha im actually pretty tame now ive got the R33 .... might cry if i dent it
  15. yeah well its cos i got noone to talk tew
  16. Funniest Accident wasnt me but my friend Melanie .... when she was 13 her mums friend let her take their brand new landcruiser for a drive along the beach .... Mel had no idea how to drive and panicked pressed accelator instead of brake and drove his $70,000 car straight into the ocean ..... and saltwater got into the engine and that was the end of it. Ive only ever had one accident on my P-plates in my ZX ... i was pulling out onto a street my vision to oncoming traffic was blocked by a bus so i continued to pull out and side swiped a ford telstar .... the damage on his car was sooo small i could hardly see it but it ended up costing me $1,300!! As my then boyfriend said to me at the time "You shouldve given him $50 and said There now i bought your piece of crap" Ive had a lot close calls - a few spin outs - all in the Zed but road was empty at the time .... a near collision with a traffic pole (dont go thru an intersection sideways kids) oh and the neighbours little mo-fo yapping dog disappeared after running after my car barking and i was too busy wondering where the phuck it had gone and if i had run over it that i ran my ZX into the ditch and blew two tyres .... now i just aim for the little fluff ball!! But yeah had my R33 for 12 months in August and *touchwood* its all still in one piece
  17. I know what you mean .... like we would get a rep drop a deal off to us about 9am in the morning .... car has to go to client 8pm that night .... no accessories he says just tint n clean and a predel service .... thats fine .... but then they start adding stuff to it - oh the client wants a tow bar, oh the client wants seat covers ... oh the clients wants ...... and then they complain when its not ready for delivery at 8!!!
  18. i think my favourite toy was my tricycle. Oh and this HUGE bear I've still got him ...... he was bigger than me ..... he's massive. But his heads flat cos kids used to sit on his head
  19. i dont know Ross .... probably not haha i used to have weggo (i couldnt pronounce my L's til i was about 5 )
  20. i hate working out other peoples timesheets more!! i used to have to do that for the mechanics
  21. :shake: what was your favourite childhood toy?
  22. my pay didnt go into my bank account today and i wanna know why i handed my timesheet in on time!!
  23. no they havent - they have switch bitches ..... haha so thats why i d/c'd it someones gotta work for their money round here - might as well be switchboard
  24. cmon steve - wheres those 9465 posts *niz chuckles* only 7 pages in ya wasteland ...... you guys must be busier than us WA or QLD'ers
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