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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Little creatures is nice. If i remember correctly i was a nose length in front both occasions tho and my car aint running the best at the moment and even worse after Friday night ..... dad says it now sounds like a truck when it pulls into driveway ..... idle idle cough splutter idle idle splutter cough haha i dont know what the problem is. I have shopping list too.... just need the funds .... maybe i should start working the street *jk*
  2. 100 in 70 is that much? haha you didnt barter with them Richie .... i got my 110 in an 80 for 1 point ..... Bargin haha i had two bottles of wine for dinner .... from memory that was it
  3. haha nah your good .... jsut you wait i'll have my revenge!! haha Talking about blue 180 with wanker drivers *jk* .... on the way to work this morning there was one like Richies ..... L plates on and was heading down Graham Farmer Freeway ..... now if i remember correctly L-plate drivers arent allowed on the freeway with their girlfriends - who about 17 - instructing and he tried to race me ....... i should of let him go in the hope he got picked up by the coppers
  4. you get done or just warned? haha yeah i had radar detector - saw a policeman on bike on way home ..... on Saturday the friggin barsteds drove past my car ..... and their heads nearly swivelled off their shoulders and they turned around and i thought ..... ok here we go with the yellow .... but then disappeared. new desk is good ..... i cant be seen as much therefore hopefully forgotten about new chickkie aint here yet. yeah that'll be right as soon as i can post they slap the 180 rule on!!
  5. not talking to you? what tha? haha how shallow do you think i am? this 180 sec rule sucks balls!
  6. moved into my new desk just one more week to go.
  7. no i looked for you at Morley and couldnt find you
  8. not very well today - i shouldnt be at work just wrote email to Mel telling her how her housemates are pissing me off ...... thinking of just canning the whole saturday night..... do nothing like i did this weekend.
  9. im going to bed folks .... speak to you guys tommorrow
  10. mum - um how about noooo on that one Best mate - doesnt understand - never had a boyfriend tooaught up in her own little world anyway. Besides compared to what some people have to livfe thru guess its not a hard time. Just I keep gonig down the same path and never learn from it ...... and each time i do it just has the same effect ..... i chase after the wrong things.
  11. yeah my rear ones are black as too from bloody bendix's!!
  12. haha joe yeah ..... nothing wrong with brakes its just the driver
  13. after all we been thru .... find myself still loving you .... cos i never give up on the good things .... never give up on the love we had Sorry song stuck in my head and im bored ..... need someone to chat with.
  14. hopefully get temp work Troy dont want anything permanent. See ya Anyone else about?
  15. he never said that Troy - in fact he never said anything about being kicked - RB25 aka Ross told me.
  16. my front bendixs go on tommorrow See Ya Ken
  17. ahhh ok ..... i thought the F 5 posts were instigate by a lto of QLD people not just boxy but i heard about his arguing with a mod by Ross ..... not a smart move.
  18. just been talking to micheal aka boxhead on MSN .... what did he do wrong ... hes not a bad bloke!
  19. ive been proactive enough in my time ..... a little too proactive .... ive done most of the stupid things and when i get like this im just likely to go back doing them again. Im ready to tell them to phuck off but it's just going to cause a whole load of shit between mel and me and i'll just end up with nobody to party with saturday night .... sit at home doing nothing like i did this saturday night yes how did you go yesterday ken?
  20. Troy i always mean to donate considering how much i use the forums buts its something that you go - oh must do that - and gets put on the backburner for some reasonor another ..... will get my fat ass around to doing it one day tho. Ken yeah but even Andys over protective ways can be a little more nicer than some other peoples dont give a phuck ways .... if you know what i mean yeha i know im only 20 but we all get a bit despondant and lonely sometimes.
  21. Cam I think i just want to get comfy now ..... sick of mind games, sick of a lot of things ..... just want something stable ..... something to come home too My friends just seem to meddle. im growing tired of it .... no wonder andy always used to tell my mates to phuck off .... cos at the moment im feeling the same ...... mels mates have compeltely taken over my end of work celebrations ..... oh we are doing this and that ..... they havent even asked me what i want to do .... it shits me sooo much!!!
  22. Hi Joe ..... i like my line even if my dad says it sounds like a truck
  23. Troy thats sad that everything has become so serious and regemented ..... i can understand the reason why but it does take some friendliness out of the whole situation.
  24. i know i just want someone to lean on at the moment ..... noones there.
  25. no probs Rob ...... how you enjoying the new turbo buddie Cam - nah im too nice to do that .... besides the way my life is going at the moment i think he's proven a point ..... even tho i hat eto admit it .... no one will love me like he does. But no didnt ansewer my phone on saturday anyway to find out what he wanted ..... again. This week is my last week ..... yipppeeeeeee!! so happy but i did spend $250 on a Gameboy advance today ....... need an income to fund these things But it'll keep me amused on the way to SA
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