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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. I went to Games World in Belmont Forum on Saturday and they have a lot of model cars etc (purple R34 :drooling: ) but the Fast n the furious also have brought out model cars etc and key rings .... they have NOS bottle key rings .... mini car key rings (like R34s n stuff) i know the movie sucked but i must admit VERY cute. I considered getting one myself ....... but ive already got a Playboy bunny keyring and i think thats safe if i ever lose my keys the person that finds them doesnt know what car too look for.
  2. i want to buy a house ..... got the area picked out and everything just need to get together the money which is hard since dad is telling me my car sounds like its running really rough (think i need a S-AFC) apparently sounds liek a truck when its idling now ..... which i must admit it does sounds a bit rough.
  3. liz aint here sounds great cam .... follow your heart dude if it tells you to go back do it .... you only live life once. Yeah my ex rang up last wednesday to say he was going over to UK what i thought was last friday but since the call on my phone saturday morning (which i didnt ansewer but suspect was from him) .... maybe its this friday he's going not last friday ... hmmm i dont know weird that all of a sudden im the centre of his attention again .... i would be way pissed off if i was his current girlfriend.
  4. nah not focus on .... just accept and get over! Why be with a guy that doesnt give a phuck .... doesnt want to show you off? ...... who am i fooling .... might as well invest my time into something thats actually going somewhere in my opinon. How was the UK anyway?
  5. Hey Boys *hugs* hmmm sick of certain aspects of my life ..... time for shutdown! Get feeling being used ...... why cant i just get a decent man who wants to be with me??? whats so hard about that?
  6. i like the idea of dresses i just think all those checks are going to be a little distracting from logos etc by the way i cant sow to save my life!!
  7. got speshal work lunch today sorry ... anyway gotta go get stuff for morning tea - whore ya later
  8. yes im bring the R33 Be nice to meet you if you can make it anyway Hey Bretticus! Paul - get back to work *cracks slave whip*
  9. Hey Sub u coming tonight Alan? Yeah i love it when other people bring food in - but when i have to - i think thats a little rude
  10. i gotta go buy my share of it soon ..... got to buy sausage rolls n stuff .... yay what a waste of money!
  11. no cos we have morning tea on today
  12. well i wont be signing mortgage papers for a while yet im hungry
  13. nah its a personal joke between her and i - its nothing sinister .... i just told her she shouldve done one for the RAC guy the other weekend haha mightve got a free lube with the jumpstart haha i apologise maaaaan
  14. im just going to short term temp .... i need a break .... i can still get by working part time. Hey im getting a rebate on my insurance on the ZX cos they continued taking the money out after i cancelled it .... so theres $800 ... which i give to my parents and then ive paind $2K off my $4K debt .... so im $2 grand away from being debt free oh then theres the credit card too but thats not too major.
  15. oi you trying to tell me something boy
  16. just ask her ..... nothing will happen she'll just piss herself laughing
  17. no and im pretty switched on when it comes to computers - so i would hate to see how other people are struggling thru it. one week to go
  18. haha nah Liz will probably ..... she has no shame that girl ask her if you can have a peelie haha yeah im quiet til i get to know people then you cant shut me up
  19. its a work thing .... we are changing our email systems therefore to get all documents from one system to another ..... it requires a 13 page booklet full of tasks to complete so they can wipe the hard drive and do their thang!
  20. my day is full of morning tea and the kinda lunch that goes for 3 hours .... and i'll probably knock off after. Better fill in my time sheet now i guess
  21. im not too hard to miss ..... black 33 Nizmo plates Nitto packaging tape on the wing .... tall blonde chick. aghhh black car takes so much work to clean!!
  22. damn i go to do this complicated thing so we can switch email systems like they asked and my email jams .... and i cant do it now
  23. morning Richie .... ready for tonight .... my car is dirty as .... somehow i have to get home .... probably half drunk cos its celebration lunch ... fill car with petrol .... wash car .... meet Liz at Foundry at 7pm .......... its going to be a tight schedule!!
  24. wow better put Adelaide Airport on our places ot go see in SA Paul haha sounds like its kinda a landmark for adelaide. Anyway peoples im off .... had enough of cooking for the sheep shearers today ...... this little Sheila is off home. Stay Safe Hugs Lauren
  25. haha well its hometime for me - practise safe sex everyone im outta here
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