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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Kiss my arse!
  2. but thats ALL ive ever seen you talk about XR6-T this n that ....
  3. Mate it seems ive got a lot more ot offer to a SKYLINE forum than you..... I actually OWN a couple of imports
  4. yay paulie ya bludger
  5. i just dont get some people! What does he want us to do .... "a friend of a friend who knows some guy at the other side of the country may have a 10sec XR6T" ...... so? want us to worship the ground you walk on ..... or sell all our cars for Fords now ... you are trying to achieve what??
  6. 10 seconds in any cars impressive.
  7. Nobel what i dont understand is if your flying the flag for Ford so high .... then get dad to buy you one ..... we are really trying to care .... but as this is a Nissans forum we really dont give a phuck. i know my car aint the fastest on the planet .... but it still kicks enough male butt that im more than happy not too mention its a Nissan!
  8. better be
  9. oi peasants! get back here and entertain me ...... or off with ya heads
  10. yay for Kanes mate ..... but he still has a Ford how shameful.
  11. i am .... weally weally bored.
  12. awwww no fair ... i'll even volunteer to do it
  13. yeah i know u have .... how was your jap crap lunch?
  14. bad visions paul .... bad visions!
  15. just came to me in a flash of inspiration. the boreder (not sure if thats even a word but anyway) i get the more dillusional i get me thinks..... i have absolutely - phuck all to do ..... do you know how hard it is to look busy when you have nothing to do!!
  16. haha even looks like you Alex
  17. going to pub paul? cool with Mack daddy?
  18. Whhhy shouuuld i carre cos you werent there when i was scared ......if yooou dont caaare theeen i dont care .... we're not going anyway
  19. decided to drag my lard arse to the gym tonight ....i wasnt going too
  20. now ive been deserted ......
  21. yeah we are meeting up beforehand at the Foundry then cruising to City west in our Black Posse nice to see u two have kissed and made up
  22. im back..... see had ya scared thought i really had joined
  23. boss is back so im off to lunch - later
  24. Just stating a fact ...... helping you guys score im getting a big mofo insurance rebate cos RAC gotta little happy and continued debiting me for the ZX's insurance when i cancelled it .... its been going on for about a year $70 per month .... thats going to be a nice little to give my parents to shut them up!
  25. becareful noble he only wants to know where you live cos he like boys hehe
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