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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. its a Lexus bam cant find that website .... addy is at work.
  2. haha no Alex is about 50 ..... his so Alexander is about 15 ..... oh and Alex and Andys dad is also named Alex ..... phucking Scottish!!
  3. slow
  4. nah couldnt get a restraining order .... theres good and bad with everyone .... its jus ttha the had both and two different opposite extremes i really do think he's got psychology issues that a proffessional needs to sort out ...... his brother is the same and his brother is almost the same age as you ken ... actually would be around the sam age as you!
  5. haha nah Ken Andrew is taller than me - by a little bit ..... i'll PM you his mates website theres a photo of him on there. He's a Salesrep not a mechanic .... well ex salesrep now.
  6. yeah once Ken has read it i'll edit a few pieces of that .... not that it really matter the guys going to England anyway i guess.
  7. see ya Kyles
  8. yeah Rev210 you dont tak ecomedy seriously but it just made me think of all the shit ive gotten up to in my youth (which yes i realise im still living) and how i really dont want my kids to encounter even half of it!!
  9. because he was a (edit) ....... because he worshipped the ground i walked on a little too much and became controlling almost to scary point .... if Liz reckons shes got problems with someone going thru her phone she shouldve walked a day in my shoes .... it got to the point where the guys at work knew what was going on and they hated him sooo much ..... they would basically smuggle me out and if so much a mention of his name they would snap ..... my phone ring and they saw it was his number they would grab it off me and switch it off. He went thru my car .... ive been accused of sleeping with people i dont even know .... towards the end i was getting "I want to lock you up in the cupboard and keep you forever" everytime he was at pub i would have to be calming him down cos anyone who looked sideways at him apparently wanted to fight. He drove like a maniac and his driving skills werent that crash hot .... i swear ive seen my life flashed before me a couple of times. His mates were dodgy as .... so was andrew .... (edit). Even my parents were worried about his controlling tantrum throwing manner i had to be with him 24/7 and still that wasnt enough for him..... he chucked the shits when i was soo sick one day i couldnt go to an insignificant hyundai function and that i wasnt "keeping up appearances" but he jkust got so smashed and whatever else that ngiht anyway .... he bid on a whole pile of stuff he cant remember then he got into the carpark had a fit of some kind and tried to throw his mobile phone away and it took about 5 of his friends to calm him down. I was (edit) little darling girl ..... the bosses loved me .... and he felt like he was competing with me ... one nigt i was getting paid more attention than him at a function and he totally cracked the shits when later on i told him never to speak to me like that again he told me "I have been a lot nastier and i can get a lot nastier" he chose to tell me this on my birthday then he (edit) and spent the rest of my birthday with his mates .... of coarse dragging me along cos i wasnt allowed to do anything without him. So theres the story.
  10. well we'll be in NB too .... i need rescuing from my mates flatmates!! ...... they have already planned it and i dont liek the clubs they do!! i just thought it was rude that it was my party yet one of their flatmates was going to me "We'll go here then we'll go here" and i was like nooooooo i dun think so! i want kids but im in no hurry ....... i intend to live out my youth first ..... so far in my life i have no regrets ive packed a lot in .... i wuld hate to be 17 and have a kid like the chickkie next door!!
  11. Ken im not being naive here but he really did love me .... lots of different ways he showed it but i really was his world and money had nothing to do with it ...... he knew my parents would make me sign a prenup if i got married anyway. As his best mate said when he came to talk "sense" into me "All Andy wants Lauren is you .... he wants nothing else"
  12. Kyles we should catch up soon!! im going out on the 16th August to celebrate being fired .... your welcome to come out with us!! Yeah watched an Episode of Everybody loves Raymond last night .... really got me thinking ..... cos when you think about what you got up too an d your kids are probably going to get up to worse ....... i can begin to understand why people dont have kids ..... mine are going to be a nightmare!! But my parents think im an :angel: they dont know much about what i got up to at all ..... have had their suspicions sometimes but theres no proof
  13. No GT wing Bam haha Kyles - shouldve heard the shit andy was speeling about mine ..... "there are osme people you meet thru life and you never forget them and your parents blah blah blah how are they? can you give them a kiss n a hug for me" I got to the point where i was about to say .... well if you REALLY want to worship them that much i'll put you on the phone ..... funny hearing all this from a guy that said "your mums a nice women but man does she piss me off" and also a guy that cracked the shits when i wanted to go home to my dad for fathers day.
  14. haha thats ok Kyles i know what ya mean as soon as i got time to myself i'll get stuck into the gym ..... been a bit slack the past couple of weeks.
  15. Im happy .... my parent like Andrew but they were pretty relieved when we broke up ..... haha so i pleased them and myself happy at the same time..... be even more happy when this job gets the flick! My boss told my temp agency to look after me Cant wait to have some free time up my sleeve again and im really looking forward to this trip to SA ..... as long as you guys dont fart in the car
  16. haha Andy asked me if my babies panels were still intact ...... i think he was pretty surprised to hear they were just need to find me a brand spankers new wing!!!
  17. Hey Kyles LOL @ Ken ....... you wouldve been a cool guy to have as a dad ..... but noooo i had to get the Trev one that is rather boring and more like a boss but i love him anyway We were debating the extensions to the house this arvo ....... i can not understand WHY he wants to build upstairs.
  18. its a very difficult situation to explain ..... but im VERY happy wiht my life the way it is ..... and ive tried to let go of the past but he's almost like an ex husband u cant ge trid of them for some reason they are always going to be there for some reason or another it doesnt help when your grandparents have watched him grow up and the two families are kinda friends.
  19. i never said wanted to go back there ....... some things just cant work ..... he and i just cant work ..... painful decision but i dont want my children to grow up with a father like that .... i had enough ..... my body couldnt take anymore abuse itself ..... i was sooo sick and losing my mind ..... sometimes you cant let your heart make the decision ..... it has to be more common sense *shrugs*
  20. hmmm well his mate sent me his new web page and there was a pic on it of andy and the girlie - she aint skanky in that photo .... in fact shes quite pretty but the girl a tthe lookout looked a bit skanky ..... maybe it was her on an off day and it was only a head up shot cos man she got butt in real life haha ok its not that bad but people that squeeze themselves into jeans two sizes too small then you get the flab over the top - aint pretty. But i mentioned to him tonight that i saw him there and hes like "Why didnt you come and say hello" and im "Cos man u looked pissed off" ..... "You know im not like that darling" ...... he sooo was that day and he phucking saw me!! Liz was there she can testify ..... i think he mustve been on a bit of a comedown or something that day.
  21. nah i think Joe just wishes he was one of the phucking chickens on the Nandos ad!
  22. yeah its Andy ...... just so phucking weird cos he was talking like we were still together "Now you know this has been in the works for a while now darling and ......" then he was crapping on how great my parents are ..... i mean sometimes andrew can just go a little bit overboard with the bullshit ..... i mean yeah he's got a lot of respect for my folks but man he can shit on!!
  23. noooo - it was OUR cat and since i already had one he got "custody" of Shadow ..... and i want to know whats happening to the cat ..... i forgot to ask i was a little bit dazed just by the fact he rang! he better not have given away the cat! Hey Ken
  24. i forgot to ask what the phuck is happening to Shadow!!!! man if he has so much given that cat away he wont wanna come back cos i will be waiting a tthe airport for him with an axe!! I so forgot to ask ...... i want MY phucking cat back!!!
  25. yeah well he leaves for England on Friday ...... wants a beer when he gets back ...... so its a case of good-o your pissing orff .... shit your coming back ..... he's a god damn human boomerang!
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