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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. bye Brett its pay day today i just remembered .....should have a nice little collection in my bank aco**** by now
  2. But i could still be in bed and warm .... not here filing and bloody cold with heartless cruel demons!!
  3. wha? u only working 2 hours? why did you bother going to work then
  4. i knew what syphillis means Richie haha Sex Ed was the only unit in school anyone paid attention too. Yeah paul you dont get SBS ..... you miss out on some of the best shows
  5. hmmm next time im leaving the gym from Bams house - he seems to have aids *anybody that saw the subway episode of south park will get the joke *
  6. i'll buy you a walking stick Adrian that way you can also fend off macka and paul with it!!
  7. :grouphug: Adrian .... your getting old now
  8. yeah should see my mouse i think it has worn marks in it from scrolling and my alt tab button will probably need replacing soon as will the F5 button Morning Paul lucky you get ot sleep in ....... its a cruel world but not for long .....
  9. yeah i could go a nandos dinner after gym Good Boy Bam *hug* !! Hey Richie n Alex :wavey: Temp agency just called shouldnt be hard getting me short term work to fill some of the gaps before i go away which is good news
  10. good morning ..... im having a fat day ...... gym tonight!!
  11. well currently up to 12. Anyway its made my boss pissed off so better continue to file this shit.
  12. bombs gone off in a hotel in Jarkata ...... not far from our offices there ..... 12 killed
  13. im going to do filing now - why is it all the shit jobs are coming to haunt me today ....... later all
  14. i prefer it but im not the only one going..... just a bit of variety.
  15. John Forrest is really nice - last time i was there had Rosella birds landing on my shoulders etc really plucky tame things!
  16. i am phucking making suggestions ...... not my fault men never listen Or we could do the back of Serpentine then have lunch at Araluen Botanic Gardens ..... and u can have your BBQ and your phucking tulips!!
  17. well Alex im trying to talk him into around york way so we can do roads like that - you know even if we do a few roads like that and come back and have lunch in john forrest national park!
  18. yes but no one else does the hills its just about 6 or 7 of us
  19. noob - also is very close to the word knob which can make Knobhead .... which a few of the Noobs are turning out to be..... im talking likes of this Noble dude n pissinissan etc not u richie and docile seems decent chap too.
  20. Why dont we think of four locations ..... then hold a poll!!!!
  21. Ross its Noobs that are too big for their boots .... Pauls really anxious to meet them .... But we just beeeeeeennnnn to Yanchep *whiney voice*
  22. anyway have to go check dishwashers progress! BBS
  23. York ..... i didnt get to do that one .... ive done it with the cruises we organised at Skippers tho ..... lotsa nice little backroads away from gen public n speed cameras. As for noobs coping with drive - i think its more dangerous to have them have to cope with keeping up AND the traffic surrounding them ...... it might be easier just to have them concentrate on keeping up
  24. well if i was from the $2 shop i wouldve fallen apart by now i guess paul why go Yanchep two times in a row tho??
  25. as long as it aint the 2 dolla shop paul
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