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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. yeah but its going to be a "behave" cruise .... so im looking forward to it but its going to be an exercisein self control
  2. yes i am Paul .... Mel has Tafe on Tuesdays n Wednesdays so they are the only days we dont go.
  3. hopefully sobered up from work lunch by cruisetime ..... we have a farewell for three of us on friday - ones leaving this friday and me n jen are going next friday so..... drinkies
  4. im going Friday night gym after work
  5. i should do wrote on lil work calender thingy mi jig. hey Ross my hometime is ages away!!
  6. Thats good thanks Paul
  7. haha yeah i like my cars low .... got a picture here of my ZX and one of my skyline haha ..... my skyline is so low compared too .... but wouldnt want it any lower cos i cant get up speed humps as it is my belly has been scraped so many times now!
  8. ask how long approx it takes too
  9. early in morning or late afternoon .... probably better early morning.
  10. what do u mean nothings changed Dan?
  11. anytime .... but Friday. i know Ros works Monday .... so maybe Monday or Wednesday?
  12. sounds good Talking of Brakes .... Paul can u check with Paul 2 if i can have them done next week or give me thy number and i shall do it.
  13. Erin around yet? she had a half dayer.
  14. Riiiiiiichiiie how was the weekend?
  15. Is matt coming to WA eh?
  16. Hey Matt Hi Alex. Bam whuts wrong with your car?
  17. :wavey:
  18. yep im off to lunch too
  19. why do men have to piss outside when theres a perfectly good toilet nearby ..... ive had this question for a while!! ..... i dont get it!!
  20. man theres more to life than a toilet for phucks sake
  21. charming conversation - why cant people just be content with a mag in the dunny these days!!
  22. i always have fun in my car hehe
  23. howdyim back - haha hectic hardly anyones computer is up today so i get it all
  24. wouldnt have a clue unfortunately
  25. am here tho
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