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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. sorry bloody boss giving me work lots of it
  2. I do know .... it costs DoIR $950 to keep me here a week ..... i earn $600 a week .... but after tax man has dipped his fingers aint much left of it.
  3. :zzz:
  4. yeah im planning too - unless my dream job appears in the paper ...... which i doubt um dont know yet .... sent them an email today saying it had come to an end explaining the situation so should here from them today ..... apparently they are fairly busy so i should find something - if not just enrole in a couple more agencies
  5. 2 weeks left for me .... then i get to go work somewhere else hopefully then off to SA :( for motorsport ....... ahhhh if there was only a way to make shitloads of money outta cars i would be a happy girl!
  6. yummo icecream Bens like adopted - favourite - stoopid sibling without having a sibling that gets everything and now dads pissed off with him hehe
  7. haha Alex .... poor guy but its pretty funny mustve been a bit smashed eh? i got a cut on my foot but thats cos i was walking around the Cott car park with no shoes on like a Rueben! Bens came off his motorbike and broke a few bones in his back etc my dads pissed off with him haha.
  8. alone damn!
  9. ooooo so many Silvias ..... pity i have to be on my best behaviour!!
  10. dont get dismayed Alex ...... yeah importscene we are better off without anyway ....
  11. moooorning Mr Zanda ..... hows waz the weekend?
  12. invasion of the "tools" Alex Everything go for friday?
  13. howdy Troy long time no chat or see!
  14. Morning everyone .... geez theres a sudden influx of tools .... does a full moon or something bring them out?!
  15. Bam - why instead of settling for a slow heavypiece of shit ..... stay off the maccas n go to the gym and keep yaself a fast sportscar Anyway people i better go say hi to my family i think they forget what i look like. Bye :wavey:
  16. as long its hand feeding and not breast feeding Ken j/k
  17. yeah they are a spaghetti factory ...... im just so attached to it .... and it can beat the crap outta my R33 ............ its so shameful and if i put the money into my R33 its just going to be like any other R33 out there ..... my ZX is different.
  18. Bam u are hardly in Malaysia so you dont neeed a run around car - think of the wifey!!!
  19. nah plan is to take on a short term temp assignment that ends before i go to SA
  20. its not just a matter of doing a manual conversion? needs whole new engine ...... but that car has sooo much potential and i doubt anyone else is going to realise it ..... and i just cant part with it ..... and i need a set of trainer wheels ..... but i know - parts are hard to find and expensive and its all too high maintenance ..... but i have a dream
  21. you know what i really would like to do ..... i would somehow like to buy my ZX off my folks ..... do a manual conversion on it ....and learn how to drift it ..... that car would make a mint drift car ..... it would be my version of a Racer ............... must find money first
  22. its not a bad excuse Liz specially if you hate your job its a celebration but its cool if you cant make it
  23. hahah did you see my death glare Liz ...... i tell ya if i was staring at ice it wouldve melted .... i was pissed off that had no respect and were getting that phucking close and at one point touching my car!!! i want one of those "move away from the vehicle" sirens!! I like Russ's idea about putting a GT wing on the back of the ZX tho .....
  24. Liz big pissup on 16th August ...... because that Friday is my last day at DoIR ...... not sure if BBQ or clubathon yet ......
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