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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Aidwin coming to Nandos tonight? Back from lunch ..... everyones gone to this departmental lunch so its going to be quite in here for the next couple of hours .... yay!! I didnt go cos i dont like indian.
  2. it was just clips drift ones were good but there were some rank ones too! anyway off to lunch
  3. West Perth doesnt have any fast food stores ..... so im safe
  4. Dont worry Bam ..... its giving me ideas too hahaha
  5. Later all then have yummy lunches .... Bam u know that whopper is just calling your name haha
  6. Whopper with Cheese :D
  7. CMEDRIFT Alex
  8. its only a week and you dont do much there anyway paul
  9. bloomin dunnydore drivers!!
  10. will do paulie yeah but its obviously going to be better than the last because the sport has grown hugely in popularity and that wouldve been one of the first ones they held last year wouldnt it? always improve ......
  11. Paul im a temp - thats the reason WHY im a temp .... so i can do as i please i'll just take a couple week assignment and tell my agency that i need sept off.
  12. i dont know what to have for lunch .... nachos? bad for me tho why does it always go to rain around lunchtime!! and i have to go out cos i got to go to bank Yeah Paul as long as i know what the deal is when i leave work so i can find work around it
  13. doooooorrrriffffto Richie ...... JMS Drift in Sept being held in the city of churches hahaha. Did ya missus end up getting to go with you?
  14. :wavey: Zanda Hey Richie - how was Adelaide .... may be heading over there myself soon Hate when co workers have baby talk in their voice when they speak to you .... agh!!
  15. your youth was last summer?? oh u probably werent engadged then
  16. Bam getting ya arse to training with the boys ..... otherwise we'll have gaylord lock the nandos doors til you do 5 laps around the carpark then you can enter!
  17. over that song Bam ..... welcome to yesterday i dont know whether i wanna eat Nandos now after the new Ad of Chickens humping.
  18. hehe *niz has pictures of german kid in simpsons with choclate smeared all over mouth*
  19. sooo modest too paul *hands paul an oscar*
  20. thats ok - i dont want you to go there!! OUCH!!
  21. haha paul i want a re enactment to night Yeah if anything i'll be running late not early - at that time i still have time to pick up Mel n train with her. Bam well it was used for expressing my opinion of his driving! Where do the people of perth get their licenses!!! I mean there was this one car that was going 50km in a one laned 80 zone .... and on the back of it - it had this sign like the baby on board signs but hers said "This is a dumb little yellow sign" i mean what tha? LOOOOSSSEERRRRR!!
  22. ive never seen it i wanna see gimpy paul!!
  23. haha thats good paul cos that was rushing thru stuff haha so yeah 8:30 sounds better ...... Meet at Nandos? never had nandos. Yeah brakes worked - so did the horn - so did my finger!
  24. A truck pulled out in front of me and nearly wiped me out today he could see i was coming and i jammed on my brakes and beeped my horn and he just waved at me ..... dodgy asian truckie driver ..... he couldve killed me!!
  25. sounds good Paul i finish up at 4:30 um so should get to gym about 5:45 by the time i get my gym stuff from home ..... just after 7 sound ok?
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