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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. yummo Dan - when do we get to sample? love homemade pizza!
  2. no i havent seen them Paul - post the link haha aidwin - hmm dont think even my charms work on paul - outta luck matey.
  3. hmmm theres a point i wonder what Tar is like changing front brakes ....... but then i might not get rid of him again ......
  4. nah trust me - my charms only seem to work with coppers not mechanics.
  5. aghhh not the meatlovers one Aidwin .... ya miss out on the yummiest bits of the pizza with that.
  6. i might leave earlier today and go see Perth Brake Parts .... i get along well with those guys - have a chat to them about it.
  7. when i'll go in and see this guy i'll see if i can sweet talk him to dropping the price a bit more .... it worked witht he ZX .... just needs to be reminded who i am. just got a problem getting from welshpool to work andreverse
  8. what kinda pads?
  9. well just read in previous post for me to go get some brakes so going off what my rears cost me thats how much i would pay for them from Perth Brake Parts. When can they get done?
  10. Paul look at it this way tho ..... $100 - $125 for pads ..... $50 for machining = $175 ..... and if i take it to Brakeswest it'll cost $10 more less fiddling around and you wont be inconvenienced ..... thanks anyway but for the sake of saving $10 is it really worth it?
  11. Donald Rumsfeld died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move." "Oh," said Rumsfeld, "whose clock is that?" "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie." "Incredible," said Rumsfeld. "And whose clock is that one?" St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life." "Where's Bush's clock?" asked Rumsfeld. "Bush's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."
  12. quiet :zzz:
  13. hehe Zanda ..... well when ya put that spin on it
  14. yeah deens good always see so many people i know there like a giant reunion hahah
  15. yeah i dun like the church - Rise is ok depending on how ya feel - Metros is good now!! its packed and it plays RnB. But i love the Deen pity its only open til 1am paramounts ok if your extremely drunk and dont care its dodgy haha.
  16. hehe good - cos i know of a car no matter how many times it got cleaned proffessionally it still stunk hey snyper
  17. so is ya car smelling better Dan?
  18. mmm pizza yummy
  19. i so wanna go out ...... its good gets ya mind off things!! Aidwin - where are ya fav spots?
  20. yeah i was on a strict diet too - but i got depressed and had a sausage roll n cherry ripe ..... see if i can save myself at the gym tonight ..... must admit sausage roll tasted bloody good!!
  21. so come along and drink OJ Bam
  22. YES thats exactly what we need Aidwin ...
  23. when all else fails buy a cherry ripe and listen to your boss ring the lady thats going to take over your job
  24. i used to Bam but that hardly solves anything.
  25. i cant get the brakes right - i cant get the suspension right .... never have enough money to do anything with it anyway - not even fix the back spoiler might as well sell it buy an Astra and have everything covered under warranty!!
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