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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. they didnt say cos after all i am female and wouldnt understand the intricates of brake pads - this has shitted me so much ..... no wonder i used to have a BF to do all this shit for me .... phuck this.
  2. but it sounds more expensive cos not only u paying mechanic - u are paying a mobile mechanic which would mean double in labour wouldnt it anyway going to have lunch making me fustrated already.
  3. anyway im off to lunch - hate buying shit for my car - always so god damn expensive - oh your female oh and look at that its an import as well - lets just add another 20% ot the price!
  4. he said the price could stretch up to $220 cos the R33's apparently have 2 different brakes systems on them - depending on which ive got.
  5. that would be like asking Steve to fit your brakes he deals more with performance not brakes.
  6. yes love perth brake parts but they just sell them to you!! nowhere i have seen they actually fit them as well
  7. Brakes West where i took my ZX - prefer someone in ossie park - closer to work - hurry witht he suggestions i have lunch to go get
  8. i wasnt pushing any luck. Any suggestions then pleeease?
  9. oi Paul is that good price or what? yeah thought i heard a muffled cry and some banging in ya cupboard last time i was over ..... and u keep just telling me theres a rat or something in ya roof
  10. noone keeps a fiancee to themselves ...... *niz is suspious* ....
  11. fiancee?? what did u get an arranged marriage while u were over there? tell the bitch to buy her own .... haha ok didnt mean to be that harsh. Yeah just the fronts - skimming incl
  12. $185 paul - fitted etc.
  13. on phnoe to them now - they hear the word import and i swear dollar signs appear ..... oh oh they are going to be hard to get
  14. will do paul
  15. Her names vicki - so go Hi Vicki n freak her out! Paul - i cant get a race outta her dont think you will either - my ZX scares the shit outta her so thats how pussie her car is
  16. awww dun be like that ..... hmm need to ring brakes place soon .... after lunch.
  17. She said she wasnt tailgating you .... nah mum wont race dont worry about her - ive tried ... she'll give the car a little bit but she wont race and ive driven that car plenty and i think you have a good chance of winning Thats after his big mo-fo turbos are on eh paul? sounds good
  18. hehe your attempting to cook when you didnt even know how to turn ya oven on funnie! maybe we should take baby steps and teach you how to boil water first *jk* ^ you can spank me for that later
  19. hey Dan my mum said that she sees your Skyline around
  20. i hear ya back Bam **hugs** ok Paul sounds good.
  21. no reason he shouldnt right?
  22. i either have wednesdays or tuesdays off gym
  23. not sure yet
  24. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
  25. If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
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