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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeysand apes? im ok Paul
  2. nah pauls the TV gimp aidwin
  3. awww cam i was getting all mushy with the romance there - i dont get any of my own i seem to get mushy over the stories. Youve just shattered it now good luck anyway
  4. i can sing, i can dance .... i love the stage
  5. talking about madonna - seen her American life video clip - god shes skanky hehe cool i could be SAUWA Idol
  6. why aidwin?
  7. sounds like its all too easy cam
  8. *niz starts singing* like a virgin touched for the very first time liiiikkee a viiiirggginnn when your heartbeats next to mineee
  9. thats really sweet to have a guy move to the other side of the world for you yeah i found it really disturbing too - but she just doesnt like sex (not thats shes tried it) so he has learnt to live without it
  10. i read in Womens Day - yes things i read at lunch - that these 2 people have been married 36years and they are still virgins
  11. sweet and your going to London in 2 weeks - coincidence
  12. alex :shake:
  13. yeah shes nice looking - got that bit - but how do u know her etc
  14. im laminating - lady said i should do pics of my car .... i would if i had some
  15. today isnt going as fast as yesterday
  16. hey Alex Bye Paul .... get to work ya lazy barsted
  17. haha aidwin u do it well So whos this olivia eh cam .... i want goss
  18. :zzz:
  19. damn u guys are no fun
  20. :headspin: - got one of the machines to work
  21. haha great .... wheres paul?
  22. ahhh so this is where everyone is hiding
  23. nah hard to explain ..... anyway enough talk about office equipment - everyone sounds well
  24. well i gto a small one for these cards from downstairs but lady said we had a bigger one up here and to use that - so im using the big one for A4 sheets but doing pissy little cards n it just all jammed up - so i tried to feed thru an A4 sheet to unjam it then that got jammed and started makin funny noises so i give up - theres no way to get it unjammed im trying the little one now but it doesnt seem to be working
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